Disney Animator Dolls?
by the way - I am staring at Pocahontas.... tempting... very tempting...
I purchased her..her outfit is made out of suede! Great purchase!
Congratz Moondance!!
why does mulan have a dog??? Am i forgetting something??
Ohh Mulan had a dog at the very start of the movie i cant remember its name though I have to have Mulan, Belle, Poci, Ariel and Rap i think but i realy dont know where im going to put them lmao
Hehe, TY TankJust love these!! and they ARE i repeat ARE coming to the UK!!!!!!!!! I e-mailed disney store UK and got an instant reply saying yes they will be getting them!! they dont have a date for them yet but they are coming !!! hehehe :-D
Moondance your pictures of Poahontas are beautifull!!!!!!!!
now........ how to afford them and were oh were to put them!!?? lol