just bought a 25 lot of pins from e bay

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just bought a 25 lot of pins from e bay


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I just bought a lot of 25 pins from e bay. How can I tell which ones are scrappers? I'm about to go back to disney and I don't want to trade them if they are. I don't want to put them in circulation. Any help would be great.
lol,,the things sum ppl will say they were told. half of the CMs dont know about pins and dont care. Sum CMs collect pins and those are the ones that care. Sumday mayb there will b a class or sumthing for all cms to know more info about pins as a whole. Also..mayb sumday ppl will stop buying lots form ebay... if ppl stop suporting the fake trade...it will help slow it down.

please buy real pins here at DPF and send ur lots back...
...that doesn't make any sense. There's not a finite amount of scrappers- China can crank out as many as there are people willing to buy them. So it's not like they can get rid of them if everyone just "turns them in". Therefore, asking for scrappers would only mean support for the bootleg market, which means more bootlegs.

Besides, if they encourage you buying/trading scrappers, why would you ever buy THEIR pins?

That cast member was either wrong, or misinformed. Or the source needs to be checked. :)
yes..its clear they do not understand what they were told. Sum nice CMs will take a scrapper or fake and give u the real pin. NOW with that said. it dose not mean they ask me to go get fakes and scrappers. its more of the magic of disney. I have had a CM take my bad pin and give me a good pin. She asked were i had got the bad one and i told her it was from a cm trade.

So dont run out and buy scrappers... or if u do...let me go with u to DLR so i can laph with the CMs when u try to hand them scrappers. we will tell them how we got the bad pins for them like they asked. Im sure thats when they will lol at us... i think it will b fun...cuz thats when im going to ask u.... " dang..why wont they take our lot of fakes and scrappers."

oh to help ur case a little... mayb we can find sum of the CMs that asked for the bad pins... that way if there is a cold day in hell... myb they will atleast tell you they didnt mean it like that. eather way it will b fun to help u learn the truth...and than u can stop telling ppl a bunch of crap thats not true...
Some things to look at when looking for scappers:

Unpolished enamel, dips in the enamel, and odd coloring
rough edges on the metal
incorrect back stamp

Pinpricks is a big help. Look your pins up there. If there is a scrapper warning, look for these signs. I hope that helps.

(I think we have some trolls in our forum. Just saying.)
(I think we have some trolls in our forum. Just saying.)

Yeah, there's definitely something funky going on....or some weird agenda or something. I can't tell if it's defensive backlash for certain Youtube comments, or something else...

OP, did your lot of 25 come directly from China? Were the pins individually pictured, or was it a "stock" photo?

If the lot came from China and the photo shown is used over and over, I hate to say it, but...your entire lot is *likely* a combination of scrappers and bootlegs. Also, if the lot is full of HMs, it's not a good sign.

Did the seller list the actual pins you'd be getting, or do they deal in huge bulk?
Actually it explains why so may CM's are excited (in a good way) when I give them a pick from a hand full.
Not Trollin,
just the fact

and yes, I buy from eBay and I'll stop trading them when Disney quits taking them.
gee wiz, gettin heated huh? What i would do is spend the bit of time and look each pin up on pinpricks (sorry had to) and compare and look for the scrapper alerts...and like the above folks said, sadly i bet if its one of thse lot pics that show up over and over...all crap. Such a shame. The whole thing is a bummer, but i agree with one of the smart comments made on here, which is.....honestly DISNEY is ultimatly to blame. Sorry disney--i wonder if Walt would have outsourced and allowed counterfeit pins to thrive???? Other countries dont have the same laws and crackdowns, especially if they are making a fortune on the scrappers. As far as the CM saying to give them scrappers??? not sure but i know they wont turn one away, alot dont even collect or know what to look for, so im not sure what happens after their shift, but i doubt their is a "pin inspector" that review all the incoming trades. Woould love to hear from a CM on this topic. Do we have one?
how sad for u... but i guess the good thing is u wont b here long...so we wont have to see u or think about u. Mayb u and the other vid kid can meet up and have a fake trade day... not sure the point of getting bad pins... when u can get real ones for the same price or real close to.

Buy pins that are real.. DPF members have pins... also My D Pins sells traders
Buy pins that are real.. DPF members have pins... also My D Pins sells traders

now why would anyone want to buy traders for more than 40 cents?
(not condoning boots, or fakes, which if I may reiterate are not scrappers imo)

and as a sidebar, why are you making fun of pinpics? is that a bad place now too?
Please, everyone stop posting to this thread. We're beating a dead horse. And I'm pretty sure this thread was a set up. And if it isn't, sorry.

*END OF LINE... er, I mean THREAD*
I just bought a lot of 25 pins from e bay. How can I tell which ones are scrappers? I'm about to go back to disney and I don't want to trade them if they are. I don't want to put them in circulation. Any help would be great.

I too felt the same way when I received pins from ebay. I have posted several times about this recently if you want to check them out.

1. it taught me a lot about fake pins which mine definitely were as they were no way near the quality of disney pins, looked them up on pin pics and found out they were fake. You could tell just by feeling them and seeing the awful quality. This person has good feedback, but slowly people like myself are giving them negative feedback. I will be able to avoid fakes at the parks when trading due to being educated.

2. someone here taught me to open a case with ebay and request a refund, without shipping them back which costs money, so ask for your money back if they are not real! I now have pins to compare real ones with also and they will never be traded to anyone else.

3. found people on the boards to buy real pins at a good price and I feel good about trading them in the parks. People are helpful here!

Hope this helps.
My Threads are getting closed?

Well, now I'm gona have to make a vid about disneypinforum
I tried to have an open conversation.​

If you want to buy scrappers and fake pins and think they are real, then go ahead. If you so strongly believe in that, then why are you letting people get to you when they tell you it's the wrong thing to do?
You don't need to go post a video on youtube about disneypinforum.
that is just being childish and ignorant.
just because we don't agree with what you are doing, doesn't mean you have to go bash us.
disneypinforum is about promoting trading and ultimately a place to chat about pins and make possible trades.
if you flaunt the fact that you are proud to buy scrappers and trade them, then i'm sorry... you will find out that nobody here would want to trade with you.
if you post a pointless video about this forum because you're upset nobody wants your scrappers, your video is only going to be entertaining to the people on this forum.
i'm sure someone will post it and we will all laugh about it.
so if you really want the drama to end, just stop here.
Actually it explains why so may CM's are excited (in a good way) when I give them a pick from a hand full.
Not Trollin,
just the fact

and yes, I buy from eBay and I'll stop trading them when Disney quits taking them.

LOL, are you ashamed to wear those fakes and scrappers on your lanyard?
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