Grim's Bags-O-Crap v.2
Will you be pm'ing those who are on the waiting list but don't get a bag due to no other orders falling through?
Excellent question. I typically would send out PMs to those on the waiting list, but I accidentally made the mistake of clearing out my inbox in order to send out invoices too early. This made it possible for a lot more people to PM me than I had planned. Since DPF has a policy that makes it difficult to sed out multiple PMs, it would take me nearly half an hour to message all of you. I usually don't leave that many empty spaces, so my bad on this round. I'll try to be a little more careful next time around.
All confirmed orders should have already received invoices, if you did not receive anything, it's safe to assume you are on the waiting list. While it is unlikely that orders will go to the waiting list, you never know! I'm only waiting on a few more payments, but you will hear from me by tomorrow night if there's an order with your name on it.
Im sorry for the lack of contact, and I wish DPF made it easier to contact multiple members. Thank you for your understanding and please let me know if you have questions!
Hmmm maybe a way to multiclick messages in your inbox to do a multireply should be recommended in th forum feedback section *ponders*
You answered my question perfectly except I'm a lil nervous that if you cleared your inbox to send out invoices would you still have the pm's that made it on the wait list? Since it seems some people posted your inbox was full and then a bit later others managed to send you pm's and then it was full again >.<
Crap I lost out on the crap hahaAll bags have been sold and paid for. Sorry folks!
Shipment will be on Monday.
are you referring to the time? 2/10/12 3:30pm?
Here is the boc I got. I bought 3 for $15.00. This is what I got in the envelope. There is only 2 pins and I thought there was suppose to be 3.
I am obviously not Grim, so a definitive answer will have to wait. However I can help with one thing. What you get in your BoC is not necessarily a pin.
Per the BoC FAQ.
I will tell you this: the item you receive will be a pin, or pin related.
So this means you could get a pin, a lanyard, maybe a pin bag of some kind or one of those pin maps like several have received.
Ooooh! Can't wait to see what crap I get. Lololol