Trade Auction Rules Posted
New thread announcing my forced cancellation was just posted... I am sorry
I geuss gofys private auction is a no go![]()
I geuss gofys private auction is a no go![]()
The reason reserves were decided NOT to be allowed is because we do not want "auctions" to be posted where a member is just fishing to see what they can get for a pin, with no actual intention of trading the pin in the end.
But what is there to stop someone, from posting a trade thread, "Hey guys, thinking about trading this pin(s). Send me a trade offer and I'll consider it."
Still just fishing, but I haven't seen anything that says trade threads of those types aren't allowed. Heck, any trade thread can be a fishing thread since trades are sent privately, and no one gets to see who accepts what. If anything, these auctions make it more transparent if fishing is happening, because we can all see and say, "Wow, so and so made a fair offer and it wasn't taken."
This is a very good point. I think all posts on an auction thread shold not be editable. Bid retractions would need to be approved by both parties.
see, now I have to agree with the rules. I use Ebay for refference because well, it is a auction site. Heres why...
When a person auctions something, anything. They are taking the risk that they wont get what they think is a good amount. Cash or otherwise. Take horse auctions. A horse worth thousands might sell for 500 if the wrong bidders are present. Setting a pin reserve, or limiting the bid offers to specific pins is not an auction. its an "open trade offer." It also takes away the auction element.
On ebay, when you set up an auction, you set a minimum bid, this is a cash site. I cannot tell you how many times recently my pins have sold at the minimum bid when I know they are worth more. Its a risk I take. Offering a pin for "auction" here on DPF, with a requirement that it only be Tangled, or PODM's or DLRP PTN's is not an auction at all. Its an open trade request and should be treated as such, on the trade boards. "For trade to the right offer," would be my guess at wording.
On ebay, when you set up an auction, you cannot end it early. Only fixed price listings can be ended early. So again, this rule makes total sense.
I have a question, are people allowed to bid anything? on your want list or not? because on my auction I got a bid with pins that weren't on my wants. I'm just asking to clarify![]()
OMG so angry right now!!! I had a big long post typed up and my browser just crashed! :rant:
Off to type it again even though my heart's not in it now.... :lurk:
is it a rule though? that you can bid anything because i have a big want listI've seen people ask for just their wants list pins but to get bigger/better responses they also open it up to genre's of what they collect. If you only want your wants pins you're really limiting potential bidders since they have to have your wants and they have to want your pin. If you have a TON of wants then perhaps you're fine though.
is it a rule though? that you can bid anything because i have a big want list![]()
Perhaps a caveat though, that if the auctioneer lists those in the lead and you are not one of them it is safe to assume your pin is not committed to the auction anymore. Right? I don't want to offer up a pin and have to wait a week plus before I can trade that pin somewhere else.Ok....let's try this again....
2) prevent bid poaching because the bidder's pins would be unavailable to trade until they knew they didn't win the auction.
If there is NO reserve, then I think we should be allowed to post guidance on our auctions. Ex: No hidden mickey/cast lanyards, No rack pins, only pins from our wants list, only a certain character, etc.
Red edit mine
This is allowed and stated in the rules.
So, I'm a little confused about this. If the auctioner posts "guidance" about what should or shouldn't (can or can't??) be bid and that's the only kind of bid(s) received, does the auctioner have to trade the pin or can those bids be "nullified" for not following the "guidance"? If not, then what's the point of even posting "guidance".
Not trying to be a wise guy, just really confused... A common occurrence lately!
Just a side note - You can end an auction on ebay anytime you want. You simply click end item and choose a reason. It does not matter if there are bids on it or not.![]()
Actually, no you cannot. Fix price items can be ended anytime. But, at least for me (maybe because I dont have a "shop") A true auction item, that is an item people bid on, cannot be ended. At all, end of story. Ebay won't allow it.
Actually, no you cannot. Fix price items can be ended anytime. But, at least for me (maybe because I dont have a "shop") A true auction item, that is an item people bid on, cannot be ended. At all, end of story. Ebay won't allow it.