I can't believe how much these pins sold for

I can't believe how much these pins sold for
I understand that those are all LE pins but I could never wrap my head around spending like $300 for a pin.Never. I see pins on ebay I want but turn away from them simply because they're like $50.

Yeah, we all say that when we start out. I used to choke over $30 pins- now, I have several $300 pins in my collection.

You'll end up being one of two types of traders in the end- the one that gradually works themselves up to buying more and more, until you've accepted the fact that, if you want that certain pin, you'll have to drop the big money. Or Type Two- the type that eventually comes to realize that you'll never get those high-value pins, and resigns themselves to not having them.

Don't get me wrong- you might get lucky one day, and catch an auction on a fluke, or meet a generous trader. But that usually only happens once or twice, and usually only to a certain degree. So besides a few flukes here and there, the sad reality is that, like any other rare and in-demand item, high-end pins require that kind of money.
Abyssinian, I so agree with you about the "evolution" of your price point. For me, it started at "no more than $50" and I got a lot of Stitch pins. But some I really liked eluded me. It took a major mind shift to say "OK, up to $100 but no more" and I got a whole lot more of the precious (precious!!) DA 100 Stitch pins. But some still eluded me. Finally, when my list got small enough I said "OK, well, I guess I'll have to go up to $200 for some of them". Currently, I've spent over $300 on a precious few pins, but not many... yet!
I think I've gone through that price evolution a little more quickly. :D

Am I reading the auctions wrong, though? Did that bidder bid those high prices in the last few seconds, when the previous bid was yours? I can imagine paying $125 for a pin if that's what it has to take to get it and you want it that badly, but I can't imagine bidding $125 when the most recent bid was $30...
I think I've gone through that price evolution a little more quickly. :D

Am I reading the auctions wrong, though? Did that bidder bid those high prices in the last few seconds, when the previous bid was yours? I can imagine paying $125 for a pin if that's what it has to take to get it and you want it that badly, but I can't imagine bidding $125 when the most recent bid was $30...

Sorry if I misunderstand what you're saying here, but to try and explain- even if the showing bid was $30 and it jumped to $125, that person still had to bid $125 to get there because of someone's Max bid. Ebay doesn't let you come in and just bid a really high number and sell it for that- it's always about meeting another person's hidden max. Ebay will always take the lowest of your biddings until it needs to up it FOR you because of a rival bidder.

For example, if a pin started at $20, and you bid, it will ask you what the highest you're willing to go is. You say $200, because it's a pin that usually goes for that, and there's a lot of days left on the bidding. Ebay stores that $200, but your bid is only $20...unless someone challenges that with another bid. Ebay will continue to bid FOR you up to $200. So if the new bidder puts in $50, ebay will automatically bump you up to...I think it's $50.50. And so on and so on. The new bidder would have to bid OVER $200 to get their bid in, because you're covered until your original MAX of $200 is gone through....but eBay never bids that max for you unless it has to.

So they weren't just throwing $125 down...they had to work up to it because the original bidder had a Max bid in place. Basically, it was never at $30, really- that's just where it was sitting at.

...wow, I hope I didn't confuse you...I almost confused myself. Also, I hope that was what you were confused/curious about in the first place. Otherwise, I gave you Ebay 101 for no reason- lol!
Abyssinian, I so agree with you about the "evolution" of your price point. For me, it started at "no more than $50" and I got a lot of Stitch pins. But some I really liked eluded me. It took a major mind shift to say "OK, up to $100 but no more" and I got a whole lot more of the precious (precious!!) DA 100 Stitch pins. But some still eluded me. Finally, when my list got small enough I said "OK, well, I guess I'll have to go up to $200 for some of them". Currently, I've spent over $300 on a precious few pins, but not many... yet!


The good thing I've found is that $300 pins aren't quite so shocking when you're not buying many pins anyway. My pin budget is actually much, MUCH less at this level than it was when everything was new and shiny and I needed it ALL! Of course, DS.com stopping helped a lot with that...

Mostly, I'm just sitting around, waiting for one of my Wants list pins to FINALLY show up on eBay. It really is kind of messed up, though, when you spend less getting grails than you did when buying traders and starting out...heh. So it's all a matter of perspective. Yeah, I might drop $100, $200, or $300 on a single pin- but when I haven't bought any pins for half a year, that's not too bad.
Abyssinian, that answered my question exactly. :) Thanks! I've never bid in an ebay auction; I've done a buy-it-now or two, but the most recent one before last month was years ago.
Yeah I understand. My wife is a Jessica collector so I'm the one looking for her pins and I like to surprise her with new pins. Like the saying goes "Happy wife , Happy Life" lol
Well, the Alice in Wonderland pins sold today and the prices were astronomical!! Pins that I've seen sell several times went about 30-50% higher than in the past. Was this a feeding frenzy? Dunno...

Next in line from this seller seems to be Nightmare Before Christmas!
If those Jessica's shocked you, you should have seen what the Alice's went for. I think more than 80% of them went for more than $100. I feel like watching his NBC and Haunted Mansion ones too just to see what they go for, especially since he has more Gomes pins. Who knew pins could buy you a house.
LOL, unibear seems we both had that same thought. And I think you're right it was a feeding frenzy, pin 48231 that I have in my signature sold for like $66 a few weeks ago, and it sold for more than double that. I think I lost a few toes in that frenzy, I only walked away with one Alice and her I do collect, and I think I got 5-6 Jessica's, such a shame.

Anyone trade Jessica's for Alice? LOL
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If those Jessica's shocked you, you should have seen what the Alice's went for. I think more than 80% of them went for more than $100. I feel like watching his NBC and Haunted Mansion ones too just to see what they go for, especially since he has more Gomes pins. Who knew pins could buy you a house.

Yeah he wrote me and told me about his NBC. There awesome pins that I wish I could get some but.... There already like 50 plus already. And only in a few hours. He told its bitter sweat because he's making all that money for his house but he's getting rid of all his awesome pins that he took so long to get
Well he's making a mint for them. With so many on card pins he had to of been the original owner which means he only paid retail and he's probably made 10 times what he spent. For that kind of money I'd find a new hobby. I could always just print out pictures of the pins, epoxy them and turn them into magnets. :hsd:
I wonder if the rise in prices has something to do with Disney on line no longer making low edition pins. I know I've bought more pins recently on Ebay than I used to because there's no new interesting pins available on line.
I bet the rise has something to do with this thread :) Also, since he is the original owner and has all the cards people feel comfortable that the pins are authentic, and thus are probably to pay a little bit more than they might have in other auctions.
Yeah, we all say that when we start out. I used to choke over $30 pins- now, I have several $300 pins in my collection.

You'll end up being one of two types of traders in the end- the one that gradually works themselves up to buying more and more, until you've accepted the fact that, if you want that certain pin, you'll have to drop the big money. Or Type Two- the type that eventually comes to realize that you'll never get those high-value pins, and resigns themselves to not having them.

Don't get me wrong- you might get lucky one day, and catch an auction on a fluke, or meet a generous trader. But that usually only happens once or twice, and usually only to a certain degree. So besides a few flukes here and there, the sad reality is that, like any other rare and in-demand item, high-end pins require that kind of money.

Oh I don't deny for a second that I wouldn't want to be the trader that can spend that kind of money on pins! One of my "grails" is on ebay right now for $100 and, believe me, if I had a spare $100 right now, that pin would be mine. But for now, I'm accepting that as a student, my budget can't afford a $100+ pin:p
How much did he get for the Gomes Alice with daisies pin? I was sort of tempted to bid on it, but decided to go with a cheaper pin that I preferred (and I have a very big want won, so very pleased about that). He also has the Gomes Harlequin and unforgettable characters jumbo for sale, I noticed. What do people think are fair prices/the current value for those two pins?
I bet the rise has something to do with this thread :) Also, since he is the original owner and has all the cards people feel comfortable that the pins are authentic, and thus are probably to pay a little bit more than they might have in other auctions.

I don't know if I necessarily agree with the first statement, but I believe that it was said in jest, however I totally think you're right about the second one. I know that for myself I was willing to pay more knowing that I was getting an authentic pin, I'm sure that many other people felt that way. I also think that because he had so many Jessica's and Alice's that it was a great way for those collectors to really put a dent in their collection and get some hard to find grails.

The Gomes Alice with Daisies went for 200.99, I was the 200, guess someone outsmarted me by making their bid 200.99. Although truthfully I don't know how I would have paid for it since I already owe him between 150 and 200 for the other pins I won, sadly all Jessica's and only one Alice.
I love Jessica rabbit but I would never ever ever ever spend over 100 dollars for one pin.And if I did it would have to be a hidden mickey,very good condition,can move,light up,or say a catchphrase or something,or limited edition of two in the whole world.
What I find amazing is that he sold virtually all of the pins he has listed - out of 1031 (as of this evening), two were withdrawn and two didn't sell (a button and a patch) - that means he sold 1027 out of 1031 ... in the 14 years I've had my eBay account, I have never seen such a high sell thru ... unbelivable!
Am I the only one who remembers that Ebay sellers and auctions can be only discussed anonymously, yet these images clearly show the seller's id and hence not allowed here. Just a friendly reminder :)