NFFC Disneyana Fan Club Convention - Anyone going this weekend?
I was thinking of going but inside information of the WDI MOG releasing their pins on Facebook, all pins will be sold prior to the 10:00 am entrance of its members. Vendors and their 2 or 3 "helpers" will be in line since 9 am with the Ticketed Event Members. Currently the WDI Castles are pre selling for $300 and i am assuming the Jessica's are not being sold at pre sale and waiting to see who sells first as they will be in the $500 - $600 range? The DSF booth and its pins pins are usually LE 300 and not too popular of a theme and shares 150 at the Event and 150 at DSF. If I do go its just to pay the entrance fee and look at pins that I can't buy or Vendors pins that usually everyone has. This Event is a sellers dream.
Just my two cents and inside knowledge.
I really hope that is not the case. I am going primarily just to pick up a set of Jessica's and see if I spot any HTF pins on my wants list. So I would be really ticked off if that actually happens.
How can they let vendors line up that early???
I mean to get in line to purchase the pins.
Each vendor is paying $105 non wall space/$125 wall space for a booth at the sale plus the $29 DFC membership fee plus $25 for each helper. They should have the same right to stand in line to buy the WDI merchandise, as convention attendees. Of course, who will man their booth, while they are over at the WDI booth.
The vendors are also there to sell and to make money. The rest of us are not. We are there to pay money. I will not be buying any merchandise from any vendor who has these pins for sale if I am unable to buy them from WDI.
LyWish I could! I really wanted the Jessica as she's working on the mermaid ride. But there's a Disney audition that day thatim going to.