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LIVE! - Disneyana Show and Sale

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LIVE! - Disneyana Show and Sale
I'm sorry, I wasn't attacking you, I was just stating a fact that you constantly put these people down and they look like very professional individuals .

Look like nice people? You put on a jacket, and somehow that rectifies your antics? I wear a business suit to court and you call me a Nut. Why does what one wears -change their antics? Your observation is biased and unfair.

It bothers me that the Pinpics name is now being used to sell pins. They are SELLING Pins at the table they are showing the new site. Granted it is their prerogative-but it seems like a conflict to me -to be in control of the stream of information out there about good/bad pins -but now clearly have a profit motive to hide bad info. They bought the Pinpics name and hence its reputation. I believe selling pins puts that reputation in jeopardy.

Calling someone a nut in the way you have stated it, is an attack. Calling a convicted criminal a criminal is not a personal attack. It would be a personal attack if I called someone a criminal and they were never convicted of anything.

However, I am tired of explaining myself on the issue.

I leave you with this quote I heard today:

“Attempting to debate with a person who has abandoned reason is like giving medicine to the dead.” ― Thomas Paine
On our way back... Gonna hunt down our lucky number 5 balloon and steal it... Perhaps tail it and do a snipe steal... Lol... Aka EBay style,,, Bwahahaha
Where are the Mods...when I am being attacked?? Inquiring minds want to know...

We don't have a mod posted here 24/7, so it does take time to react right away to a post. But rest assured, we do get there! ^^

That's Anthony, oooooh where is TiggerNut as in *NUT* he looks like a big time con . *NOT* !!! He's a lovely young man .

Tinker, relax. No reason for this.

Anyways, let's carry on!
LooK, I refuse to argue about something I know nothing about . I apologized ! You have no idea what I've been through . I feel like I've been drug down a football field by ten players . I had an epidural steroid shot, sedated with ansthesia that was used on Michael Jackson . I had a terrible reaction and been hospitalized for two days . Every vein in the top of my hand and arms are blown out . And they were using baby guage butterfly needles . My doctor came from his office when he got the call . Your own doctor doesn't leave his patients to visit one in ER . I knew I was in bad shape . I was put to sleep to have an artery shunt placed near my heart to have blood work every 6 hours . My life is more important than pins or how you feel or don't feel about Pin Pics .
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I've been here maybe a month an am already getting tired of all the childish snipping at each other, regardless of history
Ok. since this thread is under "Pin Discussion" back to pins:

I just saw a bigger picture of Jessica as fly-girl on Ebay. That pin looks awful. The mouth is badly done and there seems to be a piece of metal un-cut between her ankles. If I did not know that this pin came out just today, I'd be taking this pin for scrapper. For those of you who saw these pins in person, how is their quality?? The Ebay picture looks shabby :( I am disappointed.
Sorry Jon, my mind is mush ! I wasn't thinking and apologized more than once . I can't give her blood, the doctors couldn't even get it . I said, I'm sorry and I am .
I still would love a castle pin . Were the balloons stained glass ?
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I was there :) I got a couple rack pins I didn't feel like paying full price for, a WDI mouseketeers pin, a 1970 Sleeping Beauty Little Golden Book, and a Sleeping Beauty record. My mom and I also got some WDI pins for my brother as a surprise after his surgery tomorrow, :) plus, I got to meet Paige O'Hara, so life is pretty fabulous right now :D
Not sure how, but I convinced my wife to go back for the end so I can steal Grim's balloons...LOL... gonna cost me a starbucks for sure

LOL! it was good seeing you! wish i could have stayed longer but my head wouldnt let me ! it kept pounding saying "let me out!!" feeling better now though! hope you guys end up with a grim balloon!
Look like nice people? You put on a jacket, and somehow that rectifies your antics? I wear a business suit to court and you call me a Nut. Why does what one wears -change their antics? Your observation is biased and unfair.

It bothers me that the Pinpics name is now being used to sell pins. They are SELLING Pins at the table they are showing the new site. Granted it is their prerogative-but it seems like a conflict to me -to be in control of the stream of information out there about good/bad pins -but now clearly have a profit motive to hide bad info. They bought the Pinpics name and hence its reputation. I believe selling pins puts that reputation in jeopardy.

Calling someone a nut in the way you have stated it, is an attack. Calling a convicted criminal a criminal is not a personal attack. It would be a personal attack if I called someone a criminal and they were never convicted of anything.

However, I am tired of explaining myself on the issue.

I leave you with this quote I heard today:

“Attempting to debate with a person who has abandoned reason is like giving medicine to the dead.†― Thomas Paine

They were NOT selling pins at their table. I was at the table to see how the redesigned site is going to look and how it was going to work. they had no pins on the table at all while i was at the sale and show! NONE!!!!!
Looks like fun! I wish we had something like this in Florida. :)

It's a shame they couldn't put a little more detail into the Jessica pins...but they are still nice. :) And is it just me, or does Jessica look like she is in her first trimester of pregnancy in the flight attendant outfit? LOL
Ok. since this thread is under "Pin Discussion" back to pins:

I just saw a bigger picture of Jessica as fly-girl on Ebay. That pin looks awful. The mouth is badly done and there seems to be a piece of metal un-cut between her ankles. If I did not know that this pin came out just today, I'd be taking this pin for scrapper. For those of you who saw these pins in person, how is their quality?? The Ebay picture looks shabby :( I am disappointed.

Same here. My emotions over the last hour have been:

- what? How could I not have known about these? I want them!
- ugh, LE 150.... Not so easy...
- they want how much!?!? Those prices are ridiculous!
- blech... They look horrible....
- maybe I don't want them...
- these are officially going onto the "if I get them I get them, if I don't I don't" list.
It's a shame they couldn't put a little more detail into the Jessica pins...but they are still nice. :) And is it just me, or does Jessica look like she is in her first trimester of pregnancy in the flight attendant outfit? LOL

I thought that she looks a bit pregger too :lol: Also, I have seen another pin's picture for flight attendant. In the second one, there is no metal in between the ankles, but it looks like her nostrils are right on top of her upper lips, almost adjoining. Of course it could be the angle too. In any case, the faces look a bit sloppily done to me.

- these are officially going onto the "if I get them I get them, if I don't I don't" list.
I feel the same way now. It seems that there is not even consistency between the 2 pins I saw. There are many other DA low LE pins that would easily merit same $$.
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I'm glad everyone is enjoying themselves there! Wish I was there but went to the hotel room hoppin instead! Anybody have any extra hats?!
Well when we left the event earlier, there were what seemed to be 1,000 people looking at everyones things... Went home and decided to return for the final 30 minutes and to bring a few things back for others... Got back and all the balloons were gone:(... but what was weird was the crowds were all gone too... I mean everyone basically except for the sellers slowly packing their goods... So why not take another look... We again scored from some sellers who would rather give a good deal then pack them up to go back home with... My wife wants to kill me for making her go back and spending more money...LOL... The worst part though was we really wanted to say bye to some of our DPF family again... Oh Well there is always Thursday then Friday, then saturday... You guys are gonna start to get tired of me anyway... lol
Seems like a great day for all who attended. It's so nice to have opportunities to meet each other in person. I hope to make it to an event like this in the future. I must get one of the Balloons!
Goofy_Moe thanks for the photos. It looks like a lot of fun. (Also, I love your wonderland pin.)

The screenshots from the new Pinpics look great. Can't wait to see it launch.
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