Let's see if I can explain this point differently... If my holy grail scoop pin was up for auction, and I knew the person collected Stitch and PoDM's... Sure we have many of both... But my investment into my Stitch pins, since we started collecting those recently merely to use as traders, is usually just under the true value of the pin, or I would not have bought it... So let's say it is a $100 Stitch I paid $50 for... But on the flip side if I had a few PoDM's that I bought and got lucky on the scenes... A Lion King with all characters on it... My pin is valued at $125 and my investment is $30... Now multiply this by a factor of 5... Now if I felt my bid for the Scoop needed to be about the $500 - $600 range to win... I wouldn't choose to offer 5 stitch pins which cost me $250, but instead bid 4 cells which would cost me $120... Both have a $500 value to the Auctioneer, but my investment is less than half with one option... Now either option for me would still be ok... As if I were to fight it out on E-Bay, this may cost me in excess of $300 cash out of pocket, not in trade for pins I have paid for already... And Again Lopsided is in the eye of the outside party not the ones who are willing to give up these amounts for their holy grails... They are not holy grails for nothing... I would have bid over $800 in pins for my grail if my investment into those pins were less than what I was willing to pay for it in cash... But again that is just me and I can be a stupid trader that way... So if you have my grails... LOL