Disney Soda Fountain DSF Cinderella August 15th Release.
wyllieam said:I havent talked to anyone that is camping out at this point...
I really hope these pins aren't that crazy- my little sister really wants the spinner and the mice pins, and I'll be stuck using ebay to get them for her as we live nowhere near the DSF. Does anyone know how high above retail these pins generally sell for initially?
MY MOM (Carline) AND I ARE CAMPING OUT Ms.Amy!!!!!!!!
chumlee said:+2 see you there Nathan
Ps. Had fun hanging with you this Sat.
I want to go, but I can't camp out (I'd be willing to though! :lolCould someone please tell me what the deal is with the wristbands and how they work, and if anyone thinks they will use wristbands for this release?
<3 These pins are beautiful!