DNST list on EBAY
Ebay does not require you to return an item in order to issue a refund, particularly if you've opened a dispute because the item was not as described.
And this is how misinformation spreads. This thread's originator is blocked from an eBay sellers auctions and thus assumes he's now on some mystery "Do Not Sell" list. He then posts it and works others up into a frenzy.
There is no list. Each seller can block anyone they want for any reason. This list is only seen by the seller and workers at eBay (maybe). We do know there are forums and it is possible problem bidders are talked about there. But that is it. Sellers can also block bidders that fall within certain programmed criteria.
Lets all be careful to not post ignorance. Do the research or ask questions before creating posts to rile folks up.
Also be careful about not sending back scrappers you may have been sold. Bidders may not be able to get their money back unless they return the item sold. And not every pin accused of being a scrapper is one. A couple years ago I sold two DA pins on eBay and the buyer accused me of selling fake pins. The only problem was the pins I sold had no history of any fakes being produced or claimed, and the pins were bought personally by me from Disney Auctions. But because I didn't have them on their original cards (I'm an old time collector so many of use didn't care about cards, just the pins), the buyer thought they were fake. I laugh at how many people must cheat themselves out of legitimate pins because of their paranoia.
Respectfully, and I'm not trying to start a feud here or anything, I don't think anyone is "frenzied", we're not cattleThe majority of posts were people attempting to understand/give condolences/possible reasoning for the situation he dealt with.
In defense of the OP, he also wasn't making a misinformed statement but was rather asking a question. He was uncertain if this scenario had in fact happened to anyone else.