Back from wdw
Just back from WDW, where we pin traded for the first time, and we had a blast. My son was on the hunt for villian, and me what ever caught my eye. He found it to be like a treasure hunt and loved it!!! We found most CMs had pins (though alot of the same ones) that make it even better when we found a pin that we liked. Now a know some of what we got were scrappers, but I knew that going in and I was not going to let that damper my sons fun. Every one was so nice to my son, and would also give him stickers, they also brought out pin books or boards for him, I guess the benifit of being a kid. The best thing we found was when we were leaving MK about 5:30pm on sunday, by the boat launch 2 CMs were out there with 3 large pin boards and wearing vests full of pins. and let us trade unlimited. Also the consierge at our hotel had a pin book and we stayed club level at the beach club and they also had a large pin book. Again we had a great time, I had done alot of research and it paid off.
here is what we got trading ( This does not include pins we bought)
here is what we got trading ( This does not include pins we bought)