Opinions Needed on New Form of Trading...
After seeing a few similar threads, I thought of a possible idea for a new form of trading here on DPF…
It is called a Grail Chain, where more than 2 parties work together to make a trade successful and help another find their grail…
This may be confusing at first, but if it catches on… it would become as normal as any other trade request…
Here is how I envision it could work…
A Member looking for one specific pin would start a new chain trade thread asking for this pin to be found…
Another member who has the requested pin for trade would then post that they would be willing to trade that specific pin for one of the following pins… They would then list pins they would accept for the pin needed for that link of the chain…
This continues until the member starting the thread is able to make a trade agreement with the last posted link on their chain… Thus closing the trade loop and everyone can send their pins…
Of course there are immediate questions popping up in your heads… mine too… But with a resourceful member starting the thread who truly wants one specific pin, this could be possible…
First concern would have to be with time limits… As anyone committing a specific pin into a chain may not want to wait too long for the chain to end, I believe there should be a Maximum time allotted for the starting member to complete the attempted chain… I would feel that 7 Days should be a fair time limit as it is enough time for the thread to be seen by all and enough time for the starting member to get things linked up…
Next concern would be reliability of all linked members… As any single link can ruin a chain, it would benefit the starting thread member to work hard to close the thread as soon as possible to avoid a trading headache…
Another concern would be with what link the thread is on and what is needed to complete the chain… This would require the ability to edit the original post to show all current links in the chain and what is needed for the next link… If the member starting the thread continuously edits their original post, then it would be easy to go from one chain to the next and see what chain you may be able to help on… Please edit original post rather than re-posting as then it would be a pain for others otherwise…
To avoid this from also overwhelming the boards as my Trade Auctions and my Game Ideas have done in the past, I would ask the no member ever attempt more than one chain at any given time…
For now I would post it in the Pins Wanted Sub-Forum with the Title “Wanted - Grail Chainâ€, so others know to check often to see if they could help with the current link needed…
As with other ideas in the past, if this catches on, it could be its own stand alone sub-forum where we can work on solely finding our grails and helping others find theirs…
I am curious to hear your thoughts on this idea and whether we should come up with some guidelines in addition to those mentioned above that would help make this idea work… If you guys like the idea, I will begin my first one later today…
It is called a Grail Chain, where more than 2 parties work together to make a trade successful and help another find their grail…
This may be confusing at first, but if it catches on… it would become as normal as any other trade request…
Here is how I envision it could work…
A Member looking for one specific pin would start a new chain trade thread asking for this pin to be found…
Another member who has the requested pin for trade would then post that they would be willing to trade that specific pin for one of the following pins… They would then list pins they would accept for the pin needed for that link of the chain…
This continues until the member starting the thread is able to make a trade agreement with the last posted link on their chain… Thus closing the trade loop and everyone can send their pins…
Of course there are immediate questions popping up in your heads… mine too… But with a resourceful member starting the thread who truly wants one specific pin, this could be possible…
First concern would have to be with time limits… As anyone committing a specific pin into a chain may not want to wait too long for the chain to end, I believe there should be a Maximum time allotted for the starting member to complete the attempted chain… I would feel that 7 Days should be a fair time limit as it is enough time for the thread to be seen by all and enough time for the starting member to get things linked up…
Next concern would be reliability of all linked members… As any single link can ruin a chain, it would benefit the starting thread member to work hard to close the thread as soon as possible to avoid a trading headache…
Another concern would be with what link the thread is on and what is needed to complete the chain… This would require the ability to edit the original post to show all current links in the chain and what is needed for the next link… If the member starting the thread continuously edits their original post, then it would be easy to go from one chain to the next and see what chain you may be able to help on… Please edit original post rather than re-posting as then it would be a pain for others otherwise…
To avoid this from also overwhelming the boards as my Trade Auctions and my Game Ideas have done in the past, I would ask the no member ever attempt more than one chain at any given time…
For now I would post it in the Pins Wanted Sub-Forum with the Title “Wanted - Grail Chainâ€, so others know to check often to see if they could help with the current link needed…
As with other ideas in the past, if this catches on, it could be its own stand alone sub-forum where we can work on solely finding our grails and helping others find theirs…
I am curious to hear your thoughts on this idea and whether we should come up with some guidelines in addition to those mentioned above that would help make this idea work… If you guys like the idea, I will begin my first one later today…