I don't think the Soda Fountain handled this release very well. Holding out Kevin to be the very last pin in stock. If we didn't go through all the other pins so quickly, how much longer would have have strung us along. It was 6 months ago they previewed it. How many have come out since then that weren't even previewed? Also, when you know your getting down to the last few designs, I think it was very poor planning on saving Kevin for last. Knowing people have been wanting it for SIX MONTHS since you previewed it, you wait for it to be the very last one so that when everyone drops everything they were doing and rush out to get it, there is not another one to sell for those that end up missing Kevin? They should have released it with at least 1-2 other designs to go so those that missed Kevin didn't have to go home empty handed.
On the bright side, at least they don't have a carrot to dangle in front of us any more.
Also, I am getting really annoyed with people saying how bad it is what people do with their pins. I don't care if people get a pin for their personal collection, if they get it for a trader or they want to sell it. I don't care what they trade it for. I don't care what they sell it for. It's none of my business.
I remember people here on this boards saying the exact same things saying that paying $100 for a Disney Girls Reveal Conceal Rapnuzel was crazy.