Signature size reminder, warnings start tommorow 4/6/13
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His Grimlyness did such a good job with this post that I wanted to remind everyone that tommorow we will start posting warnings for signature size infractions, Please either get with a comp savvy friend and have siggy sizes reduced to within allowances or be ready for a notice at some point tommorow.
Dont make us work, we wannna enjoy DPF just like you!!!!!
Thank you, and now on with the original post!!!!
Grim's Ruler - Properly sized signatures
Dont make us work, we wannna enjoy DPF just like you!!!!!
Thank you, and now on with the original post!!!!
Grim's Ruler - Properly sized signatures
Why does it seem I'm always making the mean posts lately? Just because I'm "Grim" doesn't mean my posts need to be! I need to make a happy announcement soon....
Signatures have gotten out of hand lately. Okay, they've been out of hand for awhile. So, we're starting to crack down. Starting next week, we will start issuing violations for oversized signatures. Are you one???? Check out the guidelines below:
- Graphics in signatures must not exceed 225 pixels vertically. While Horizontal size is not technically an issue, we recommend 650 pixels. For those that are computer illiterate, here is an example of a properly sized graphic:
- Graphics (usually) cannot be stacked in a signature. This happens when multiple graphics are placed in one signature. The only time graphics are allowed to be stacked is if they are no more than 225 pixels cumulative.
- While GIFs are allowed, please avoid flashy seizure-esque graphics.
We will start cracking down on signature violations starting next week, allowing sometime for those of you to redesign, or resize your signature. If you need help, please ask a helpful local computer savvy friend, or check out this informative post if you have photoshop:
March 30th - Announcement made
April 6th - Warnings will start going out for oversized signatures
April 13th - Infractions will start going out for oversized signatures. Infractions are one point, and will expire in 30 days. Multiple infractions will result in a temporary ban.
Signatures have gotten out of hand lately. Okay, they've been out of hand for awhile. So, we're starting to crack down. Starting next week, we will start issuing violations for oversized signatures. Are you one???? Check out the guidelines below:
- Graphics in signatures must not exceed 225 pixels vertically. While Horizontal size is not technically an issue, we recommend 650 pixels. For those that are computer illiterate, here is an example of a properly sized graphic:

- Graphics (usually) cannot be stacked in a signature. This happens when multiple graphics are placed in one signature. The only time graphics are allowed to be stacked is if they are no more than 225 pixels cumulative.
- While GIFs are allowed, please avoid flashy seizure-esque graphics.
We will start cracking down on signature violations starting next week, allowing sometime for those of you to redesign, or resize your signature. If you need help, please ask a helpful local computer savvy friend, or check out this informative post if you have photoshop:
March 30th - Announcement made
April 6th - Warnings will start going out for oversized signatures
April 13th - Infractions will start going out for oversized signatures. Infractions are one point, and will expire in 30 days. Multiple infractions will result in a temporary ban.