the tango pin has sold for over a $100-$ low as $65...
And the Paso Doble has sold as high as $50 alone (BTW, Ebay doesn't have any records of the Tango going for $100, $80 highest) so 2x-4x the price because it is a surprise...not so sure about that. Also, you have to factor in the fact that the Tango pin is SOOO big so by itself, even if it wasn't a surprise it should sell more than any of the other ones right off the bat!
The issue is whether, due to popularity and nothing else, we should limit the purchases, which we think is unfair as it'll limit our trading since we collect this series. If someone didnt collect the series, they could care less as their set would be harder to get (as a lot will go straight to collections and in the hands of of people with multiple family members that collect or 'employees') so they can trade for even better pins.
While it will limit your trading, I believe it will allow more people everywhere to get a set without having to trade something they truly like. Also, the pins that are going straight into the hands of multiple family members and employees are still going there now, they're just getting double the amount they would if it were 1 per person so that isn't really a point against 1 per person
That LE size comment was meant for that, Paso Doble is a beautiful pin but Tango, a surprise and same LE size, is still 'worth' more than Paso Doble.
lol with everyone saying this I'm starting to think I might be wrong haha but from the pictures I have seen at least, the Jessica Tango pin is about double the size of the Paso Doble in width, double the Waltz in height, and a bit bigger than the Swing which has a giant gap in the middle and the Tango is JUST Jessica, no Roger taking up half the pin lol
Even if they were the same size, the Tango would still go for more since it was the surprise pin and only one per person which means people are less likely to give it up for trade, in turn making it a harder trader and also making it more valuable.
That is what this topic is about, there is no way to prove that just because it is a surprise pin it goes for more. If anything, the Tango pin proves against it because despite the pin being so much bigger, it is only going for about 1.5x the price, which makes sense considering it is bigger.
With more people getting the pin, sure there are less for trade by the main Jessica collectors, but there are more in the hands of people who don't want her and thus are putting her all up on Ebay, hence why there are so many Tangos on Ebay and why she is gladly selling for only around $65 ^_^