Thanks for the reply but I don't agree. As a newbie to Disney Pin Trading it's most frustrating to see a pin that came out a few years ago and then find out they only made 150 or so of them. Some of them are just plain pins - nothing special but now very hard to find or too costly to get. I think Disney should be more open to the public wants. I'm not saying eliminate the LE pins but make a reasonable amount of them - 3,000 minimum for example.
It seems in your signature you like Donald. Well I can tell you most LE3000 Donald pins would be a complete dud and Disney would get stuck with them forever and eventually wholesale them off at Company D or to a place like Character Warehouse. LE3000 pins are very high edition sizes and are generally only used for pins like the Annual Passholder pins, example is the Donald ticket stub from DLR in January. I think it was there until March. Even Stitch, a popular character, is still there after a month plus now.
Disney's business is selling merchandise #1, tourism #2. The tourism brings people in to buy merchandise. They want pins to sell out and sell out fast. They only put up with us pin traders because of that. They created hidden mickey's to bait and hook people into buying more pins. They offer "starter lanyards" as purchase with purchase to try to get people who do spend money on stuff to spend even more!
Higher edition sizes make it easier for eveyone to get but it makes them less desirable. Every collectible market has a "limited edition" aspect to it. Even food items and eatiers have "limited edition" items like flavors or specials. If you only go once a year or even less than that, LE pin collecting can be frustrating. You have to have low LE's to trade for low LE's generally. Although, I'd wager you could get 50 Donald pins for a LE1000 Tangled Opening Day pin.
I agree Disney does a poor job of predicting what will be popular and what won't be. But the general buying public will buy pins too and they far outnumber us pin crazies. They can make an LE2000 Fab 5 pin because the masses will buy it. Pin collectors know it will probably tank in the pin trading world. Pin people want low LE, select characters, no words, no rubber parts, no string, princesses & villains. Not LE5000 Mickey Mouse 2013 in front of a castle pin.
Think of it another way. If you started collecting basball cards tomorrow, would you be pissed off at Topps Baseball cards for not making a million 1952 Mickey Mantle rookie cards? So that even you today could acquire one easily? Even if you want it really really bad, you'll probably never get it. That is just the way it goes with collecting something. That is why when something new comes out, MANY pin traders flock to get the pins. Brave was a good example, there are a lot of Brave completionists because it just started. They want every pin. Slowly some people will give up and trade/sell their Brave pins. Others who love the movie will start and have to acquire those pins. I love Wreck-It Ralph and have every pin they've made for it. Wreck It Ralph is popular and the LE pins are harder and harder to find or trade for. That's just how it goes.