is it too soon to worry
On Pinpics I had a trade request mabey last month, I don't remember, it was a while back, he wanted my pin real bad but I couldn't find anything on his trades, he asked that I please hold my pin for him till we can come to an agreement. I said I would, so when the BT release was announced I asked if he was going, he said yes and we agreed on Bolt for my jumbo haunted mansion horse event pin (no not Jordans, he haa 1 too) then a few weeks after agreeing I got a trade request from him for my pin again, and offering a different pin, I told him I was confused, I thought we settled on a pin already, he apologised and and said yes we are trading still for the Bolt BT. Well the release has come and gone and I see he put it in his trades but has not messaged me or replied to my messages. I am becoming quickly disapointed and sad as I think I have been stood up, even after I held my pin for him for a long time. Am I worrying too soon? It was the only one would have kept out of the set, only because Jordan wanted it. What do I do just wait? Any advice