9/9 updates - Selling lots inc. GRAILS!
I get paid this week, I'll be back then!
If you can hold the set of3 fairies ($20) pins until Thursday (payday), I'll take them. If not, I understand. Doesn't hurt to ask! Also, how much is the pin with the 3 fairies on the page with $15 or less pins. (3rd from the last book page). I want that one too!
It is post #6...the second book page picture. You have it listed as set of 3-$20. They look like 8344, 8345, 8346...just my guess though.I would like the set and the one with all 3 on one pin too, if they're still available. I sent a pm yesterday or early this morning. Thanks!
do you still have the little mermaid anniversary pins? If so how much did you want for them?!
Got it! Sorry, just was not finding it before. Yes, I can hold all of those for you until you get paid.Just send me a message when you are ready to pay and they are yours.
Sorry I am new at this. So bear with me. I would like to buy pin # 36827 Goofy on a cow. How do I do this?