2013 Fairytale Designer Collection

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Sooooo I want all of them.... Except Aladdin and jasmine. They don't fit the Victorian theme of the rest of the princesses. But they're all gorgeous. My boyfriend can keep the Aladdin and jasmine for his collection.
Sooooo I want all of them.... Except Aladdin and jasmine. They don't fit the Victorian theme of the rest of the princesses. But they're all gorgeous. My boyfriend can keep the Aladdin and jasmine for his collection.
Victorian? :rofl: Rapunzel is clearly Renaissance.
The theme is Designer Fairytale, looks like my childhood storybooks.
Am I the only one who is very skeptical? These don't look at all like Steve Thompson's previous work, they are done on the computer and his were line drawn. The pattern on the cover is also different than the ones used for both the other lines. I have a feeling that this may be (very high quality) fan art, and Disney is still keeping the real stuff under wraps. The information has been out long enough to allow people time to make their own interpretations.

I'm not saying that it isn't lovely, and it may be real. But it is nothing like the previous lines, and why would they A) include princes unless they were planning to root their hair and fix up their overly "toy like" (kind of cheap) appearance in their classic doll molds? B) Charge even more than the last line that sat on the shelves a very long time and received numerous complaints about price? C) not include Merida, Anna, and/or Elsa when they have new princesses to promote? I'm going to consider these as fake until the official word from Disney personally.
pretty pretty :) really jealous there's no Aurora/Phillip now haha. I hope the dolls look as beautiful. the poor guys though seem pretty uninspired, although I love the embroidery on Beast and Aladdin.
@ladyroselie those are good points about the artwork and packaging. it makes me wonder what it would look like in thompson's style. as far as its authenticity, I hope we find out more soon :D

LE 5000 for the lithos at least.... so what edition size do you guys think for the dolls?
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Am I the only one who is very skeptical? These don't look at all like Steve Thompson's previous work, they are done on the computer and his were line drawn. The pattern on the cover is also different than the ones used for both the other lines. I have a feeling that this may be (very high quality) fan art, and Disney is still keeping the real stuff under wraps. The information has been out long enough to allow people time to make their own interpretations.

Is anyone 100% sure that Steve Thompson was doing this next line? Don't get me wrong, it's entirely possible that these are fake, but something tells me that these are real and that these were not done by him. They look nothing like his past designs and thus don't fit in with the Designer line, for example, if you put the Ariel and Eric image, the Ariel Designer lithograph, and the Ursula Designer lithograph side by side, the Ariel and Eric lithograph looks NOTHING like the other 2. I think the Designer line might actually be done but Disney is riding with the "Designer" name to build more hype and get more sales, in which case these may not have been done by Steve.

pretty pretty :) really jealous there's no Aurora/Phillip now haha. I hope the dolls look as beautiful. the poor guys though seem pretty uninspired, although I love the embroidery on Beast and Aladdin.

Don't even get me started on the princes lol If these turn out to be real, I regret to say, the princes were just guinea pigs to sell more princesses which is pitiful -__- They only included the princes so that they could say "Designer Couples" instead of "Designer Princesses" again since then people would accuse them of not being original. Look guys, I found an image of the Eric and Flynn Designer dolls:


They are the EXACT same outfits from the Designer images so how do we know they aren't the real ones? Obviously it's a joke, but the point is that the attempt was just horrendous. If these are real, terrible job with the princes Disney, just terrible :lol:
This is supposed to be a new line FAIRYTALE, so it wouldn't be like the last two. The male counterparts would look bizarre with the so called "Designer eyes" people misuse, Thompson uses that eye line style across other products for DS. As for "fake" I highly doubt fan art would create a cover design with a LE number, use that across all images and put ©Disney in the bottom left hand corner :lol:
This is supposed to be a new line FAIRYTALE, so it wouldn't be like the last two. The male counterparts would look bizarre with the so called "Designer eyes" people misuse, Thompson uses that eye line style across other products for DS. As for "fake" I highly doubt fan art would create a cover design with a LE number, use that across all images and put ©Disney in the bottom left hand corner :lol:

If this new line is Fairytale, that would make sense, did Thompson do this line? It doesn't look like he did but it's possible. His eyes could easily be put onto a male and edited a bit so that they don't look as feminine with the curves.

Also, a fan would definitely do all those things, without one of them, it would be easier to call it fake. In the past, one company went as far as hiring actors and an entire film crew to make an actual high-quality trailer to make people think a video game was being turned into a movie in what was one of the best April's Fools jokes ever. Trust me, spare no expense when it comes to making fake things, if anything, adding all those things is relatively easy.
Yeah, also the images look to be screen shots from DS.COM... note the zoom feature...

Ain't no one got time to fake a zoom feature.
i hope belle's dress is as detailed as the photo because, WOW! That is one amazing looking dress. Also love snow's and Rapunzel's dress! As the days pass im getting more and more nervous about not getting this set.:anxious:
These are gorgeous dolls, I want them all but is too much for me! :shock: My poor wallet! :rofl:
I love the Beauty and the beast set too. They're so beautiful!
Thanks so much for posting that link with the pics.

This new set looks amazing and I can see what they meant by saying that they wanted them to be more movie accurate because with Snow's hair looking a little longer thAn usual evenything else looks like something the characters wore during the movie.

I also love the fact that Beast is in the beast form and not human. I just hope that the pictures transpose well onto the dolls as well as I remember several comments about differences between the lithos and their doll counterparts.

Regardless I think this collection will look amazing, I just hope that I am able to get the D23 exclusive Snow White set as well as the others as well. The more I think about it the more nervous I get because I have never been to the expo before so there is a chance I could miss out, also with more people knowing about this now there is a higher chance of stock selling out faster.

But judging by the litho LE amount increasing to 5000 which is the highest it's ever been do you think they may increase the edition size for the pins and the D23 exclusive too? My guess if they were to increase the edition size it would be to 500. I hope they release the rest of the line with a more reasonable edition sizes (more than the Designer princesses buy less than the villains?) but seeing as there are technically two dolls per set do you think they will be upwards of 10,000 per set?

all this speculation and the release of the new images is making me even more excited for my trip! I'be saved up, booked everything in and am raring to go. I can't wait!! :D
im actually shocked they made Beast for Belle, will he be all plastic, or all fur? I wonder.....
all this speculation and the release of the new images is making me even more excited for my trip! I'be saved up, booked everything in and am raring to go. I can't wait!! :D

Good luck Polaris! I hope the pins and the dolls are a higher LE as well, considering they are princesses, they'll no doubt sell out regardless of the edition size. I'm just torn because I want to like the set (and I do like Snow White, Jasmine, and Rapunzel) but I'm so iffy on my 2 favorites in the set :lol:
I can guarantee these are for real, I found them on DS.co.uk this evening! :) (£20 for the set of lithos if you UKers are interested!) :)


I also love Ariel and Eric and Rapunzel and Flynn, but I can't say I'm crazy on Belle and Beast... Snow White and the Prince are cute! I love how their outfits have been altered to reflect different time periods while still being somewhat movie accurate! I CANNOT WAIT FOR THIS LINE!!!! ^_^
your so lucky that you get to go, i wish i could get the exclusive snow white set too but looks like im going to have to pay Ebay prices to get it. that is, if i feel its worth getting ( which i probably will)
I wish Tiana and Naveen were included, then I'd be all over trying to get one. I mean, I love Ariel, she's my favourite princess (along with Tiana) but I'm just not excited for her and Eric. Although I might try to buy Jasmine and Aladdin for my sister.
I can guarantee these are for real, I found them on DS.co.uk this evening! :) (£20 for the set of lithos if you UKers are interested!) :)


I also love Ariel and Eric and Rapunzel and Flynn, but I can't say I'm crazy on Belle and Beast... Snow White and the Prince are cute! I love how their outfits have been altered to reflect different time periods while still being somewhat movie accurate! I CANNOT WAIT FOR THIS LINE!!!! ^_^

Thanks! :) Do you have a link? I can't seem to find the lithos.
Color me unimpressed.There's nothing interesting about there designs at all,most of them are still in there signature outfits,just with what will most likely be embroidery on the fabric.I love how Ariel is the only one in an alternate outfit,while the rest are just in glammed up versions of there signature dresses.Dissapointed,my bank as of now cries tears of joy.These are nothing for me to get excited over,I dont like the princes,and IMHO the princesses are looking far to mediocre for my tastes,not worth such a high price tag.
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