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2013 Fairytale Designer Collection

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2013 Fairytale Designer Collection
Wow, thank you so much Shivatopia! Those numbers are crazy, but it kind of gives me hope that I can get the ones I want if I am at my computer right when they go on sale, IF they don't sell out as fast as the Pre-order for the full set. I REALLY want the Ariel/Eric set, but so does everyone else. I have a feeling that one will sell out the fastest. I NEED it for my Little Mermaid collection :)
Alrighty people, lets take a vote: what face mold do you think this Rapunzel is using? http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/163/ol27.jpg/ (link to Derrikb's picture from above; thanks again for taking the time to post them!) The original? The newest one? A new one altogether?

It looks more delicate than the original or the newest mold, especially the chin. But it's hard to tell because it's not a full frontal view of her face. I still don't think it looks like her, even though this is perhaps the prettiest her doll has ever looked.
What the...? It looks like the DFDC Ariel mug sold out already?!??


Since I missed out on the 2011 Ariel mug, that was in my first (of three...) orders last night, along with the lithos. I picked up that one and the Rapunzel mug, just in case something funky happens and my store doesn't get them. I intend to pick up all of them, and 1 extra Ariel mug to actually use.

If they both actually arrive intact, I will be stunned. I have never received a mug intact from that website on the first try. Last time, they sent me a mug with no handle and just jagged edges.
When I rung up yesterday about my issues with ordering, I had been told the order had not gone through on my account & that the "Designer Fairytale pre-order doll set" was sold out.

I emailed them yesterday & today I received a reply from a cast member that stated that "we have received your order". Confused, I contacted them again, to which they gave me "my" order number. I've both looked up the order number & checked my order history, but it doesn't actually appear anywhere on the website.

I don't know what to believe at the moment, as I have no email confirmation or receipt. I have no way of "confirming" the order has been placed. I can't even check the "order status". As some of you have mentioned that your LE Pin set is "Closed", I have NO idea if "my" order is "closed" or "active".

After having my "active" villains doll-set not shipped to me last time (weeks after the set shipment date on the product page), the second shipment damaged & finally the last shipment arriving perfect; I am very sceptical.

The website (or my disneystore.com account) obviously has a huge case of "pixlexia".

I don't really want to wait until October 15th for "my" supposed order to ship. If it doesn't, then I would have missed out on purchasing the individual dolls all together, as they are set to be released online through August 21-October 16.

I always seem to have issues with all my LE Purchases. The only one that ever went smoothly was the "LE Merida & Elinor Doll Set".

Something like this has actually happened to me before. I think it was when I bought the designer Queen of Hearts and Cruella during one of the really nice sales. I'd have always gotten the successful purchase email right after every order I'd ever placed, but I got nothing. I had the order number that the website screen gave me, but nothing from an email. When I live chatted with a CM, he/she was really confused as to why I didn't get any email confirmation, but that it was placed successfully. What was even weirder was when I asked if I could get the email "resent", I was told it couldn't be done. I mean, I get it, I just wanted it for my own records/piece of mind...but I still found it weird...but eh. Also, when Designer Maleficent glitched back on to the site (at the clearanced price) I decided to get the last three that I didn't have. I placed the order at like 12:15ish my time, got the website's confirmation message, and then rolled over and went to bed. Then I got up, went to work, and when I checked my email during my break, saw I got no confirmation email. So, after work, I live chatted with someone and was told that it was a glitch and that she wasn't available. I told him that I understood and thought it was a long shot...but that I also wanted to cancel my order because I didn't want Gothel and Ursula unless I was going to have a full set. (Totally fell in love with them in person by the way.) I hope I came across as respectful because the CM was really really nice and respectful to me, but I said that the order was placed that very morning...so I didn't see how they couldn't just cancel it. Like true pixie dust magic, after putting me on hold for about 45 minutes (and apologizing like every 5 minutes for the wait), he came back and said that one had been set aside and reserved for me. I hate to admit it, but I was in tears. I was so happy and so touched. I was having "one of those days" thanks to my shift at work and now I can look at my Maleficent and think of such an act of fantastic customer service and how touched I felt. I used to work for Disney so I know how horribly they are treated by guests and how little they seem to regularly be told by upper management, so I do understand if they are short or kind of "unfeeling", but he was like a merchandising prince or something. ;)
I lost where I was going with all this...
Um...Computers bad. People wild cards. Still some good left. ;)
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just seen this in tumblr.... I have nothing to say , it's just... Well

This person, has the potential to make $3,000.00 off those dolls, if they each sell for $400 or more. It's crappy that MANY people wasted COUNTLESS hours of their expo time, waiting in line, to only leave empty handed! The sorcerer ticket may be expensive but I would bet a good amount of money, that all that $$$$$ spent to go to the expo is made back and more:/
Scalpers and hoarders are definitely cruel - but let's not forget this is Disney's fault. I believe they do want people to frenzy and fight, it creates the "artificial scarcity" that the company is famous for with their Vault. Helps them sell the merchandise they do put out faster, and leaves people feeling they have made an "investment" even when there is no guarantee that these dolls will hold their value in a decade (some 90's collector's dolls are doing well - others not so much. If there is a nicer equivalent in the future these will fade away).


I hope Disney gets lots of angry letters over the BS with this collection. And the worst part is that I am not much of a villain collector, but I had so much fun with the ease of the villain release last year. I even bought 3 of them at the full price with no complaints. I just want to be able to get my princesses without someone else having to miss out, or vice versa :cry:
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just seen this in tumblr.... I have nothing to say , it's just... Well

This makes me absolutely sick....I waited in a 4 hour line at a chance for her only to have it sell out an hour before I got in :( How depressing to see this
I think the sold out ariel mug will still be found in stores and there's a chance disney will restock the online site too. Someone has already listed the mug for $75 on eBay though.

There are no words for that picture with the stack of dolls.
Did anybody else get this poorly written email from Disney - I assume it's about my pin order but they failed to give me an order # or tell me exactly which item this is about:

Dear Disney Guest,

Thank you for placing an order with DisneyStore.com. We always strive to provide a superior experience to you. Sometimes, though, due to unforeseen circumstances, we may not be able to fulfill the high standards that you have come to expect from us. Please know that when that happens, you have our commitment to work with you to find a satisfactory resolution.
Due to overwhelming demand and limited availability, your order will not include:

, quantity of

Please be assured that in the event that you were charged for this item, a credit has been issued to your account.We invite you to contact us so that we may help find another item that will meet your needs. Please call one of our Personal Shoppers toll-free at (866) 537-7649. A Cast Member will partner with you to create a "happily ever after" for your recent Disney Store experience.

Again, thank you for shopping with Disney Store.

DisneyStore.com Guest Relations
The Ariel mug is still available online~

I was super worried when I saw this, but have no fear!! :)
It's not on the DFDC page, but it's still for sale. I'm not sure where it went, but here's the link:


Yay!! :)

Ah, I'm glad it came back up. :) When the website refreshed at around 12:15 am, it was showing as sold out, even with the direct link. I guess the DFDC Ariel & Eric mug is going to be the Designer Queen Grimhilde (Evil Queen) doll of the group: disappearing and reappearing online.

Btw, this morning I also got the e-mail notifying of the cancellation of the pin set. Of course, I had to reach out to them to obtain any sort of compensation...
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