KINGDOM HEARTS 1.5 HD Remix Launch Party in Downtown Disney Anaheim, CA. I NEED HELP!
What time does the event begin and what time do fans usually line up to obtain swag.
I'll send you pics from there Kupo so you can update hourly.
That sucks!Going home empty handed.
I'm still hanging out in line with a couple of friends. Hoping for at least a poster. Lol
I saw that too. Very confusing indeed. I'm not holding out hope for anything but a poster, but we'll see. I figure I've already waited this long...what's another hour, right?People are posting as of 7 minutes ago, they are still selling the games.Conflicting information! But it does look like they are cutting the line for the games, and the people outside won't get one.
People are posting as of 7 minutes ago, they are still selling the games.Conflicting information! But it does look like they are cutting the line for the games, and the people outside won't get one.
Disney crazed...where is yew? I'm still here. Game confirmed sold out, looks like pin too. We're waiting for sad but I didn't give up. Sharks are going up and down the line trying to sell the same to people who don't know better. I actually walked up to a guy and stopped someone from taking advantage of him