Please help me understand
Ok, here is another example I would consider as over bidding (Please, I mean no disrespect to anybody. I'm just having a very hard time understanding some of these (in my opinion) crazy bids)
Up for auction is a very nice pin: Pin# 93030: DSF - Pin Trader's Delight - Ray (LE 500)
24 Trading / 103 Wanting ($40 price on Ebay with free shipping right now)
One person offered one pin for it then another person stepped in and added 24 more pins to that persons bid. That's 25 pins in total, that's more pins then some people have in their whole That to me is a crazy bid, 25 pins for one pin. Maybe I'm wrong thinking it's a crazy bid, and if so then I'm really confused.
Up for auction is a very nice pin: Pin# 93030: DSF - Pin Trader's Delight - Ray (LE 500)
24 Trading / 103 Wanting ($40 price on Ebay with free shipping right now)
One person offered one pin for it then another person stepped in and added 24 more pins to that persons bid. That's 25 pins in total, that's more pins then some people have in their whole That to me is a crazy bid, 25 pins for one pin. Maybe I'm wrong thinking it's a crazy bid, and if so then I'm really confused.