OlafOlaf's pin quest! (Tangled, DSF Frozen , designer pins) *Elsa acquired yay!*

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OlafOlaf's pin quest! (Tangled, DSF Frozen , designer pins) *Elsa acquired yay!*


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And that dream is to fill my collection with pretty pins! Yay! But my second dream is to find Elsa Stained Glass (FOUND IT!)and a Tangled PODM with a lantern scene to help make that silly little first dream come true. I don't have many chances to find "good" traders, so I prefer to buy. But if you do see something in my traders, I'd be happy to know! I would also do something half trade-half pay.

I'm a fulltime student so I can't really afford fortunes, I would love to find these pins for aprox. $130 or lower. I know it's a longshot, but still worth a try. If you're selling something higher, you can always let me know. I'm always up for payment plans. Anything to get my grail! I'm also in search of the other DSF Frozen and the Designer pins (especially Mother Gothel!), so if you have any of those, I'd be happy to hear what you'd want for them. But Elsa and Tangled are my bigger grails atm. <3

Wish me luck! :D


PS: Apart from my traders, I can also access the UK Disney Store so I can buy traders from there if you ever see something you'd like to trade. I can also order merch there.
I also make my own tote bags and necklaces, but I'll probably make a thread about them in another board. :) I love making tote bags with Disney, so I'm all up to trading these as well.
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Congrats we just got our and she is beautiful
we just need DSF Olaf now xxx

Thank you! I just can't describe my feeling haha, I'm so happy. I've seen detailed photos and I just love her. It's so detailed, and her dress is so gorgeous!

Good luck on finding Olaf, he's so fun. It's the only pin from the set I got on the day of release, just because it was the cheapest one and because I already loved Olaf from the trailers.
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