Elsa Stained Glass - still looking but temp closing thread for now ^^

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Elsa Stained Glass - still looking but temp closing thread for now ^^


I Dream of Disney ;D
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Once Upon a Time
* Still looking, but closing temporarily for the time being - if you have one for sale or trade, still very open to PMs ^.^ *

So, currently my family and I are planning for a east coast trip to canada and New York, and so we are all trying to save up as much as we possibly can (for sale threads being revived and coming to a forum near you this weekend :lol:)

With that being said, my pin budget has been decreasing a lot over the past year, and will most likely only get smaller in the course of my saving. However, if there is one pin I am still actively questing after, it is none other than this one:


If you have one for sale, please let me know your price.

If you have one for trade, please visit mine and my family's sale thread or my dpp trade list and see if can possibly work out a trade or trade/purchase to help each other out


Thanks in advance for any help, and in any event, thanks for looking and all the best to everyone and their pin quests!!​
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Put our pin sale thread up earlier today (thanks so much for looking all the help already everyone!!) but if there is anything from there that I can use in a trade or trade/purchase, please let me know and I'd love to see if I can work something out =>

Sale Thread here's ^.^
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Good luck. I've given up looking for this pin :(

Thank you starry! I know, I'm kind of getting to that point too. Should've could've would've goes through my head regarding purchasing this pin back when it was first released all the time. >.<

Your DPP only shows 7 pins for trade. Do you have any hard to get Ariels?

Thanks so much for looking- my personal traders are slim but my family's sale thread has quite a bit more of a selection, and any of those are open to trade for this pin. I added a link to the sale thread to make it easier to see. I don't have any HTF ariel pins unfortunately. If I happen to have anything else you need, let me know, but I totally understand if you'd like to wait for some of your harder wants. Thank you so much again for looking though and all the best in your trading!!
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