:lol: Thanks, folks! I'm here to entertain! Or pin trade... which is it again?
I've been waiting to finally meet you... hello, fellow KC/Turbo maniac!
:lol: Thanks, folks! I'm here to entertain! Or pin trade... which is it again?
I've been waiting to finally meet you... hello, fellow KC/Turbo maniac!
Yeah, it seems all of the trains each have a special aspect to them. It appears that Vanellope's spins, Taffyta is Free D, Snowana/Minty is 3D, Gloyd/Candle Head/Rancis is hinged, and King Candy is a spinner. Great ideas imo, if there is a surprise, IDK what other aspect they haven't done yet
Helloooo! I do apologize for not being on the forums much lately, I'm on a semi pin hiatus. (I tend to go on hiatus every now and again, then return properly and post like a maniac.) Nice to meet you; and as I obviously missed your introductory thread... welcome!
Very cool artwork and sculpture, I might add.
Turbo-tastic is here...
Not entirely sure how to take that! :lol: Or are you all just waiting for me to go crazy because of the King Candy pin on the release day?
I think we're all waiting for everyone to go crazy :lol: Now the gang is all here though haha
I confirmed that the round part of Vanellope's pin is a spinner, and the outside of the one with the hinged cover is a kind of an orange colored candy pattern... (I didn't see it, it was described to me...)