What Should I do? O-O
I'm not even sure whether or not this should go here, but I just saw my Grail on Ebay for like 80% off, but I'm not allowed to buy it.... O.O I feel so elated yet disappointed at the same time..... Is it allowed for someone to buy that pin and trade it to me, or is that against the 'Moral Pin Trading Rules'? I'm still quite new to this, so I'm really not sure about anything on here.... :anxious:
Thanks for the help! Also, I just went to DL and bought/traded for some pins there too- I'm not sure what I should do to show the ones I could trade- do I put them all somewhere, or do I post them? :3 *Is confuzzled*
Thanks for the help! Also, I just went to DL and bought/traded for some pins there too- I'm not sure what I should do to show the ones I could trade- do I put them all somewhere, or do I post them? :3 *Is confuzzled*