Well that was an interesting read.
Last night (or should I say Thursday night) was pretty crazy. I was one of the people that arrived a little before midnight Thursday/Friday night. At that time, there were maybe 30 of us in line behind the Rainforest Cafe. Within 20 minutes, Disney security came by and told us that we could not stand in line there due to safety reasons. We were lining up along a red curb, and we could potentially block any emergency vehicles. Cars were told to leave the DTD parking lot and we were told that they could potentially be towed. Some kept their cars in the DTD parking lot, others moved their cars to residential streets, while I (and 2 others) moved our cars to another lot and took a short taxi ride back to DTD.
About 10-15 of us went to hang out at Trader Sams, enjoying some drinks. Once 1:30am hit, we were receiving reports that people at the DTD lot were being pushed out and told that they could stand on the sidewalk outside of the Disneyland Hotel. Not as an official line, but as it was not Disney property, Disney would not be able to push anyone away. People began to gather there, and an "Unofficial" line was started. Any cars that tried to park at the lot were turned around. The DTD lot would re-open at 6am, the same time that we would be able to walk back onto property. We joined that line around 3:30 am. By 4:30, a Disney cast member, who we believe was in charge of special events, stopped by. She took a look at the line and we were told that we would be escorted onto the property at 6am, and that the parking lot would be opened after we were escorted.
6am came, and the line slowly began to move. It was a long trek to DTD, but it was done smoothly and without incident. Upon arriving, we saw the second line set up next to ESPN zone.
These people were staying at the Hotel and told to line up there. The first few hundred (I was within the first 150) were split up into 4 smaller lines next to one another. The Hotel guests were then lined up in the 5th line, and the rest of the guests in the long looooooong line were set up in the 6th line up that continued through to the DTD parking area.
Wristbands were handed out for the 2 pins and the LE Vinylmation that was also being released at D-Street. We were moved again to another line in front of the pin shop.
They opened at 8 am, and we purchased our pins. We heard that people who did not receive a wrist band were very irritated and loud with the cast members. Understandable but what I don't understand is, looking at the huge line in front of you, and with only 375 Anna wrist bands being handed out, why would you stay? Easily 800 people there. I hope that didn't sound rude. To me, it doesn't make sense to stay and get irritated with so many people ahead of you.
It was hectic, and yes, perhaps we were not supposed to line up prior to 5am, but keep in mind every other Disney pin release. Especially those on the West Coast. If people want the pin, you need to be a little crazy and get there earlier than stated. It was my first big Disneyland release, so I got there hours before. I had heard that many people would be doing the same. I wanted to secure my pins.
As for that guy who purchased a butt-ton of those PTN pins, ignore him. This is a guy who has been rude to many pin traders while he acts like a "nice guy" he posts braggy photos like that. Don't let his actions bother you. He brings lots of people to these releases and pays them for it (apparently with Disneyland tickets). I do not think that he is a cast member. Just a jerk. A nice little known fact, he was the FIRST and only person who has been perma-banned from DPF. After being rude and arguing with other members, he threatened to hack and destroy the forum. Keep that in mind.
He may have 30-something Anna pins, but what he doesn't have is the respect of the pin trading community.