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Trying To Finish A Display...Seeking A Few Stickers

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Awesome!!! :bigthumb: Maybe no one will purchase it and they will lower the price on it some more!!! :x: Thank you so very much!!! :hsd:

I think I may be able to find the stickers at my local collectibles shop. I bought the Captain Hook in the past. Will keep you posted? I'm super new to DPF by the way - Hi!
Hi again!

I went to the shop, but the lady only had Ursula, Evil Queen, & Captain Hook for the villains. She had a lot of princesses though!
I went to my Michaels today but all they had was Mickey/Fab Five, Princesses, Tink, and Pooh.

No villains whatsoever.

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These stickers are pretty old. :/ I haven't seen them in stores like Michaels or JoAnns for a long while. The best luck we'll have is either online or at specialty scrapbooking stores that have hung onto their stock.
You are wonderful!!! ❤️

Please let me know if you manage to pick either (or both) of them up. My offer to pay still stands - I've been searching everywhere for them. 

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No problem! I gotchu haha
Sorry, haven't been on much since dealing with the two deaths in the family...just got on and saw the comments here! :hug: Thank you all so very much, you make my heart swell with happiness to know you all care enough to seek these out for me!!! :hug:

And a very special thank you to sorapandora for offering to get them for me!!! :hug: :hug: It has been a rough couple of weeks and all this kindness/love gives me a little pick me up that was much needed! :) Thank you!
Sorry, haven't been on much since dealing with the two deaths in the family...just got on and saw the comments here! :hug: Thank you all so very much, you make my heart swell with happiness to know you all care enough to seek these out for me!!! :hug:

And a very special thank you to sorapandora for offering to get them for me!!! :hug: :hug: It has been a rough couple of weeks and all this kindness/love gives me a little pick me up that was much needed! :) Thank you!

:bigthumb: :hug:
You are wonderful!!! ❤️

Please let me know if you manage to pick either (or both) of them up. My offer to pay still stands - I've been searching everywhere for them. 

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Just picked up Ursula. She didn't have any more Mali - and I believe the lady told me the villains were all discontinued. :(
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