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Dizpins Reference Center- Use It!

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Dizpins Reference Center- Use It!
I added a reference today! Anyone who has traded with me can message me their reference mail too, I'll gladly add it there.
I always use it! And when I receive my side of a trade I always mention I left them feedback there. Not everyone leaves me feedback in return though. :| Maybe I should just outright ask them to leave me feedback.
It never hurts to ask nicely for a reference for a good trade. Some people forget or are a bit slower to add references. I know I do them in bulk, about once a month. You can also provide a link to the Reference Center in your email for convenience.
bumping this up for the reference center!

EDIT: the last one mine shows for is December 2014. But when I go to look up for ones that I've left, it shows the one I left just today.
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Thank you, Alex, for bringing this up. I 'was' using dizpins for references...and then just got 'lazy'....I stopped asking people to leave me references, or if I may leave them one. I think the primary reason is that so many of the people i was have sold or traded with in the last year, hadn't heard of it, and I grew weary, explaining to them what dizpins is, and how to use it. Thus, my excuse for not keeping mine, up to date.

That being said, this thread has inspired me to start using it again, with a renewed, incentive.

Thank you, again, Alex!
My last 2 or 3 trades through pinpics, when I told them about dizpins, all 3 said: no thanks, I don't want my e-mail there being public.
So it basically stopped there, and they didn't left me any either obviously.
My last 2 or 3 trades through pinpics, when I told them about dizpins, all 3 said: no thanks, I don't want my e-mail there being public.
So it basically stopped there, and they didn't left me any either obviously.

It's actually a really good point. At first I was hesitant to use the references as well because I don't feel comfortable making my email public. In the end, it's just there for grabs.

But then I was smart enough to just create a separate email I only use for these kind of things and which I can make public. So yeah, doesn't take a genius to figure that out lol.
In all the years that I've used the Reference Center, I don't think I've ever had an email problem. And I've had the same email address for almost 20 years. Just my 2 cents for those concerned.
I already have 2 e-mails, I ain't making a 3rd, lol, I can understand them though.
I think pinpics should do a feedback system on their website, just like here aswell, just click the username and voilà, then there's no need for a real name + e-mail to be visible in the list of feedbacks.
Just a FYI, Dizpins is in no way related to PinPics. Heck, the reference center (even though it says its a Dizpins one) is run by a separate party.
Probably gone forever, as it was. However, from over on Pin Talk, it sounds like Pinpics was successful in obtaining the database of records from the original site owner, and they are now in the process of getting it setup on their servers.
I think a reference or feedback system on Pinpics would be a wonderful addition. I'm such a nervous trader, outside of here on DPF, seeing that others have had good experiences with folks on pinpics would make it a lot less stressful to trade there.
Surprising that it went down without so much notice. Wish it could have stayed out from under pinpics control, as that is like the fox guarding the hen house.
Surprising that it went down without so much notice. Wish it could have stayed out from under pinpics control, as that is like the fox guarding the hen house.

That's what I was afraid of. If pinpics has it, certain people's references might go missing. I have over 15 years of references on the old reference center. I wouldn't be surprised if mine got 'lost' in the shuffle. Sigh...
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