My Lion King Pin Collection :)

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My Lion King Pin Collection :)
I love your boards! They are super cute the way you have everything arranged and displayed. Thanks so much for sharing!! ^.^
Oh how things have changed and grown! My 2 lion king boards are full, ahhh! I've gotten rid of my Monsters collection for the most part...and have started mini collections of electrical parade, small world & Barrel from NBC. Here's my lion king boards:

Nice! I'm jealous of a lot of your pins. :D

It also makes me want to get cracking on putting together an actual display board for my Lion King pins rather than have them sit in binders and boxes.
Oh, all the kitty love shows here! Great collection. My favorite part is being able to see the growth of the boards. LOL, you could make a slideshow of the LK boards as the collection continues to grow.
I love both of your collections, but I am a sucker for Monster's inc. so that one is my favorite :) great job!
As a fellow Lion king collector, I have tons of respect for this collection. Can you please give me some insight as to how you obtained some of these. I never even see most of them go up for sale anywhere.
Alright, as promised, update time! I've noticed since moving to Illinois and not having weekly access to DLR has diversified my collection. I now have a larger Electrical Parade, Small World & Barrel well as an Inside Out and small Frozen collection and a small penguin collection not together on one board. I really need to go through all my pins basically. I'm sure I have some lying around in my room that are LK because I'm missing a couple I thought I had. Oops. First board hasn't changed I don't think, 2nd LK board a bit and my 3rd board WHOA BRAND NEW. This was also an expensive I bought 6 new LK pins after taking these pictures xD


Inside Out


Wall of Non LK Pins


Small World

Holy moly, that's a fantastic collection! :D

The Mufasa fantasy pin of him in the clouds looks amazing! I've never actually seen a real one, but it's definitely some of Carissa's best work! :D
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