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Disney Store Park Pack 3.0 ALL THREE Limited Edition Mystery Pin Set - Mulan

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Disney Store Park Pack 3.0 ALL THREE Limited Edition Mystery Pin Set - Mulan
I wonder if this is their way of dealing with the fact that they've only sold about half of all subscriptions and are getting a stockpile of the unsold sets? (3 instead of 6 variants = 1/2 of total number of sets now needed...)??

But if that's what they're doing, why not sell the 6-pin sets they (presumably) already have in hand? I mean, 1/2 sold is better than 0 sold...

At least we know what the majority of pins will be on the boards at the pin event this year. And that they'll have a decent stock of pins this year.
Just got this email

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Kind of liking the $25 off coupon, though. It doesn't say the long list of exclusions it usually has. And unless I'm missing it, I din't see where it says we can't use more than one at a time.

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It would have been nice to give people the option of being surprised by their packs. :/ It wouldn't have been so hard to include a link to a webpage listing the themes or send a separate email with "themes inside" as the subject rather than "IMPORTANT NEWS - Oh wait, here they all are!"

Kind of liking the $25 off coupon, though. It doesn't say the long list of exclusions it usually has. And unless I'm missing it, I din't see where it says we can't use more than one at a time.

If you read the bottom of the email with the asterisk, it does say it's a one-time use.
It would have been nice to give people the option of being surprised by their packs. :/ It wouldn't have been so hard to include a link to a webpage listing the themes or send a separate email with "themes inside" as the subject rather than "IMPORTANT NEWS - Oh wait, here they all are!"

If you read the bottom of the email with the asterisk, it does say it's a one-time use.

Yeah, I was a bit annoyed by the theme spoilage. But some DPFers should be pretty happy with the upcoming themes.
Spoiler alert.....I just saw this posted on facebook about the park packs.

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It would have been nice to give people the option of being surprised by their packs. :/ It wouldn't have been so hard to include a link to a webpage listing the themes or send a separate email with "themes inside" as the subject rather than "IMPORTANT NEWS - Oh wait, here they all are!"
But they didn't just come out and say it. They made it very cryptic riddles that are super hard for anyone to figure out. ;)
I'm annoyed at this park pack. I thought for sure since I got all 4 of my themes the first round, that they wouldn't repeat any of them to start the next batch. Bam! Alice. So I signed up but now the first three boxes I've received, are 1 for trade and 2 of the "not sure if I want to keep them, not sure if I want to trade them", and the next 3 aren't my themes at all. But I haven't had any luck getting any of the Alice pins so far, and now that the scrap is for sale from China, I don't know if I'm going to want to trade for Alice pins by the time these new boxes come out. I'm debating just canceling.
I'm annoyed at this park pack. I thought for sure since I got all 4 of my themes the first round, that they wouldn't repeat any of them to start the next batch. Bam! Alice. So I signed up but now the first three boxes I've received, are 1 for trade and 2 of the "not sure if I want to keep them, not sure if I want to trade them", and the next 3 aren't my themes at all. But I haven't had any luck getting any of the Alice pins so far, and now that the scrap is for sale from China, I don't know if I'm going to want to trade for Alice pins by the time these new boxes come out. I'm debating just canceling.

Or wait til May, and "pass on" your box to Someone Who Might Like It, and then cancel! ;)

This entire "change of plan" on Disney's part is too weird to be random. Perhaps they've finally noticed/gotten enough nasty-grams about scrappers that they decided to switch factories? That would call a halt on production while they make the change. Because I agree, if you're looking for the Alice pins at this point, you're taking a risk with any purchase or trade. It's really killing the hobby (someone said, for a billionth time).
The next three themes are really nothing I collect so I may cancel at the first opportunity. I’m still glad I have all the Alice pins and there were 18 of them - at least the Cheshire and Stained Glass were different enough on that set to keep it interesting. IMO

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The next three themes are really nothing I collect so I may cancel at the first opportunity. I’m still glad I have all the Alice pins and there were 18 of them - at least the Cheshire and Stained Glass were different enough on that set to keep it interesting. IMO
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Another interesting point: I know some of you are annoyed by the spoilers (understandable) ... but Disney also handed people three reasons to cancel their subscription if they're looking to collect (and not just trade whatever they get). Why would they do that?! Unless it's a heads-up: Hey, if you see any of these on eBay, they were SUPPOSED to be legit pins. (Or, conversely, if you see anything OTHER than these three themes on eBay, we have proof that the factory has been double-dealing us the entire time.)

Good thing he's got that modeling-for-classic-portraits career to fall back on.

I'm having that photo blown up for framing and hanging above my living room sofa!
I just find it hard to believe that Disney put this out the day that we were going to be charged for the January set. It seems odd because one would think that this set was already produced and is available for shipping shortly to their current subscribers. Is Disney just picking three of the six variants and repackaging them to fill the current orders? That would seem to mean that three of the variants that have already been made will not be released to the public at this time.
The chances of there being a Mr Toad set seems to be getting slimmer and slimmer. Looks like may, June, and July will be up for trade.
A few thoughts...

One - all good themes coming up IMO. I have had some fun trading a few pins of lately and these park packs, which are better than the last set, help with that. I can see the next three having some good trade options.

Two - I am glad they are reducing the total number of variants. I just didn't think they were exciting enough to chase down 6 or 18 of them for the cost associated with that, especially just for a color change.

Three - May does seem like a long hiatus.

Four - I would be very surprised if scrappers were the driver here, given the number of other scrappers we have seen over the years, from the same sellers...I don't know why a park pack would cause them to spring into action. My guess it's more of disney trying to figure out demand and a profitable pin subscription process. Park Pack 4.0 came out of nowhere with no info on how that will work going forward. I think they are still trying to tweak it.

Five - I really hope they decide to unload the extra alice pins on shop disney one day....on a day when I remember to check early in the morning.
I'm debating cancelling my subscription, but if I can help out someone else, I will
probably keep it. Plus, I get to see the pins and that makes me happy. :)
I like my coupon now I need to use it. Watching the sales.
Well, I guess the good thing about knowing the themes ahead of time is knowing people on here collect them, so I can keep my sub and help those people out.
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