Going to start talking about the pins. So if you don't recall the theme for the month that was previously announced, and don't want to know, don't read further.
Here we go.
Okay, they previously said this month "stars the fairest of them all", so Snow White of course.
In thinking of what they might have, I started to think that maybe they will change things after all. For example, if they still had 6, the Evil Queen to Old Hag could be a good transition set, but would be less interesting of a transition if only 3. So probably no transition set (including future months as well.) And with the movie scene, I would say Old Hag, Evil Queen, and Snow White. But I can't believe they would leave out the dwarves. So maybe Snow, Hag, and dwarves? But off hand I don't know a scene that has all of them in one scene. Maybe just Dopey? For color variation, maybe the prince kissing Snow?
Side note, mine say they are on the way and scheduled for Wednesday (knock wood!) So looking forward to seeing/posting them then.