SOLD! WDW July + Nemo Anniversary + OEs Pickups: At Cost! (Previewed Pins)
Here we go for July!
If you spot something you’re interested in, just leave a comment (not a PM) with what you’d like for me to pick up and I will send you a PM with the necessary information.
Cost will be: Retail + Total Tax on your order + $1 surcharge per pin + shipping** (+ paypal fees if sent as goods rather than gift).
**Shipping is $3.75 for US shipping for the first pin, then $0.50 per additional pin, up to $7.75, which gets you Priority 2-Day (excluding orders with unopened mystery boxes). I’m happy to hold pins for the entire month to save on shipping if you are grabbing multiple pins.
**FOR INTERNATIONAL BUYERS: Please be sure to mention this in your comments so that you get the correct invoice the first time. Shipping just a few pins to Europe and overseas often is a whopping $15!! Canada is a more moderate $9. Be aware, this is not my price, but USPS. I’m happy to hold pins for several releases to maximize on shipping cost. OR if you trade with someone stateside, I’m happy to send your pins to them and only charge you for US shipping (if it’s okay with them, of course). Please let me know your preference when you request a spot.
Please choose your shipping date from the list below and include it in your comment. If you don't choose a date, you'll default to the end of the month (EoM).
Thanks! (This does not apply to international orders).
July 6
July 13
July 20
July 27 (EoM)
Until an official flyer is released, this is only an estimation of release dates based on past releases and the preview boards from the Wall-E PTN.
Finally, since prices have not been announced, the prices listed here is just an estimate based on past releases.
July 5
Lattes with Character: Maleficent
Retail: 16.99
Edition Size: 3,000
1) Me
2) Me
3) AidanShepard (paid, obtained, holding)
4) DisneyJ (paid, obtained, shipped)
5) TammyH (paid, obtained, shipped)
6) xdattax (paid, obtained, shipped)
7) Poohlady5 (paid, obtained, shipped)
8) Sortlora (paid, obtained, shipped)
9) Ocean7 (paid, obtained, shipped)
10) daniellee626 (paid, obtained, shipped)
11) disneykins (paid, obtained, shipped)
12) CMOR (paid, obtained, shipped)
13) Cheshirecat26 (paid, obtained, shipped)
14) Dayna (paid, obtained, holding)
15) Aaryana (paid, obtained, shipped)
16) TheMickeyMouseRules (paid, obtained, holding)
17) Joe M. (FB) (paid, obtained, shipped)
18) Connies_Hobby (paid, obtained, shipped)
19) Connies_Hobby (paid obtained, shipped)
Ant-Man and the Wasp
Retail: 14.99
Limited Release
1) Dayna (paid, obtained, holding)
2) ThisIsSimba1 (paid, obtained, shipped)
3) cadien (paid, obtained, shipped)
4) Badockins (paid, obtained, shipped)
5) ---------------
6) ---------------
July 12
Star Wars Masks: TIE Pilot
Retail: 17.99
Edition Size: 4,000
1) theoucharis (paid, obtained, shipped)
2) fuzzybunny (paid, obtained, shipped)
3) Dayna (paid, obtained, holding)
4) IronChef (paid, obtained, shipped)
5) ---------------
6) ---------------
July 19
Disney Donut Shop: Simba
Retail: 16.99
Edition Size: 3,000
1) AvatarAng1 (paid, obtained, holding)
2) TammyH (paid, obtained, shipped)
3) Poohlady5 (paid, obtained, shipped)
4) AlaskanMalamute (paid, obtained, shipped)
5) AlaskanMalamute (paid, obtained, shipped)
6) daniellee626 (paid, obtained, shipped)
7) daniellee626 (paid, obtained, shipped)
8) Dayna (paid, obtained, holding)
9) Joe M. (FB) (paid, obtained, shipped)
10) Georgia (paid, obtained, holding)
11) imaniceshark (paid, obtained, shipped)
12) ---------------
Lunchtime Tales: Zootopia
Retail: 16.99
Edition Size: 1,500
1) Me
2) Me
3) Haunted575 (paid, obtained, holding)
4) timeerkat (paid, obtained, shipped)
5) timeerkat (paid, obtained, shipped)
6) Sortlora (paid, obtained, shipped)
7) Mike_Mouse (paid, obtained, shipped)
8) MasteringMatt (paid, obtained, shipped)
9) Ocean7 (paid, obtained, shipped)
10) Ocean7 (paid, obtained, shipped)
11) daniellee626 (paid, obtained, shipped)
12) disneykins (paid, obtained, shipped)
13) Cheshirecat26 (paid, obtained, shipped)
14) Badockins (paid, obtained, shipped)
15) pattimarie (paid, obtained, shipped)
16) Dayna (paid, obtained, holding)
17) Disnyelandforever (invoiced, obtained)
18) pretty Omi (paid, obtained, holding)
19) raikipins (paid, obtained, shipped)
20) translation (paid, obtained, shipped)
21) msmayhem562 (IG) (paid, obtained, shipped)
22) ---------------
July 26
Finding Nemo 15th Anniversary: Angler Fish
Retail: 16.99
Edition Size: 2,000
1) Ajk (paid, obtained, shipped)
2) AlaskanMalamute (paid, obtained, shipped)
3) Dayna (paid, obtained, holding)
4) ---------------
5) ---------------
6) ---------------
Finding Nemo 15th Anniversary: Diving Mask
Retail: 16.99
Edition Size: 2,000
1) Ajk (paid, obtained, shipped)
2) AlaskanMalamute (paid, obtained, shipped)
3) Dayna (paid, obtained, holding)
4) bcol (paid, obtained, shipped)
5) Aaryana (paid, obtained, shipped)
6) ---------------
Finding Nemo 15th Anniversary: Marlin and Nemo
Retail: 16.99
Edition Size: 2,000
1) Ajk (paid, obtained, shipped)
2) AlaskanMalamute (paid, obtained, shipped)
3) *Firefly* (paid, obtained, shipped)
4) Dayna (paid, obtained, holding)
5) ---------------
6) ---------------
Finding Nemo 15th Anniversary: Aquarium Box Set (6 pins)
Retail: 125??? (based on Bambi Anniversary Box Set)
Edition Size: 500
1) PRCYR04 (paid, obtained)
2) Dayna (paid, obtained, holding)
3) ---------------
4) ---------------
5) ---------------
6) ---------------
Finding Nemo 15th Anniversary: Mr. Ray Jumbo
Retail: 54.99??? (based on Jungle Book Anniversary Jumbo)
Edition Size: 1,000
1) AlaskanMalamute (paid, obtained, shipped)
2) *Firefly* (paid, obtained, shipped)
3) PRCYR04 (paid, obtained)
4) Dayna (paid, obtained, holding)
5) ---------------
6) ---------------

Cost will be: Retail + Total Tax on your order + $1 surcharge per pin + shipping** (+ paypal fees if sent as goods rather than gift).
**Shipping is $3.75 for US shipping for the first pin, then $0.50 per additional pin, up to $7.75, which gets you Priority 2-Day (excluding orders with unopened mystery boxes). I’m happy to hold pins for the entire month to save on shipping if you are grabbing multiple pins.
**FOR INTERNATIONAL BUYERS: Please be sure to mention this in your comments so that you get the correct invoice the first time. Shipping just a few pins to Europe and overseas often is a whopping $15!! Canada is a more moderate $9. Be aware, this is not my price, but USPS. I’m happy to hold pins for several releases to maximize on shipping cost. OR if you trade with someone stateside, I’m happy to send your pins to them and only charge you for US shipping (if it’s okay with them, of course). Please let me know your preference when you request a spot.
Please choose your shipping date from the list below and include it in your comment. If you don't choose a date, you'll default to the end of the month (EoM).

July 6
July 13
July 20
July 27 (EoM)
Until an official flyer is released, this is only an estimation of release dates based on past releases and the preview boards from the Wall-E PTN.
Finally, since prices have not been announced, the prices listed here is just an estimate based on past releases.
July 5

Lattes with Character: Maleficent
Retail: 16.99
Edition Size: 3,000
1) Me
2) Me
3) AidanShepard (paid, obtained, holding)
4) DisneyJ (paid, obtained, shipped)
5) TammyH (paid, obtained, shipped)
6) xdattax (paid, obtained, shipped)
7) Poohlady5 (paid, obtained, shipped)
8) Sortlora (paid, obtained, shipped)
9) Ocean7 (paid, obtained, shipped)
10) daniellee626 (paid, obtained, shipped)
11) disneykins (paid, obtained, shipped)
12) CMOR (paid, obtained, shipped)
13) Cheshirecat26 (paid, obtained, shipped)
14) Dayna (paid, obtained, holding)
15) Aaryana (paid, obtained, shipped)
16) TheMickeyMouseRules (paid, obtained, holding)
17) Joe M. (FB) (paid, obtained, shipped)
18) Connies_Hobby (paid, obtained, shipped)
19) Connies_Hobby (paid obtained, shipped)
Ant-Man and the Wasp
Retail: 14.99
Limited Release
1) Dayna (paid, obtained, holding)
2) ThisIsSimba1 (paid, obtained, shipped)
3) cadien (paid, obtained, shipped)
4) Badockins (paid, obtained, shipped)
5) ---------------
6) ---------------
July 12

Star Wars Masks: TIE Pilot
Retail: 17.99
Edition Size: 4,000
1) theoucharis (paid, obtained, shipped)
2) fuzzybunny (paid, obtained, shipped)
3) Dayna (paid, obtained, holding)
4) IronChef (paid, obtained, shipped)
5) ---------------
6) ---------------
July 19

Disney Donut Shop: Simba
Retail: 16.99
Edition Size: 3,000
1) AvatarAng1 (paid, obtained, holding)
2) TammyH (paid, obtained, shipped)
3) Poohlady5 (paid, obtained, shipped)
4) AlaskanMalamute (paid, obtained, shipped)
5) AlaskanMalamute (paid, obtained, shipped)
6) daniellee626 (paid, obtained, shipped)
7) daniellee626 (paid, obtained, shipped)
8) Dayna (paid, obtained, holding)
9) Joe M. (FB) (paid, obtained, shipped)
10) Georgia (paid, obtained, holding)
11) imaniceshark (paid, obtained, shipped)
12) ---------------

Lunchtime Tales: Zootopia
Retail: 16.99
Edition Size: 1,500
1) Me
2) Me
3) Haunted575 (paid, obtained, holding)
4) timeerkat (paid, obtained, shipped)
5) timeerkat (paid, obtained, shipped)
6) Sortlora (paid, obtained, shipped)
7) Mike_Mouse (paid, obtained, shipped)
8) MasteringMatt (paid, obtained, shipped)
9) Ocean7 (paid, obtained, shipped)
10) Ocean7 (paid, obtained, shipped)
11) daniellee626 (paid, obtained, shipped)
12) disneykins (paid, obtained, shipped)
13) Cheshirecat26 (paid, obtained, shipped)
14) Badockins (paid, obtained, shipped)
15) pattimarie (paid, obtained, shipped)
16) Dayna (paid, obtained, holding)
17) Disnyelandforever (invoiced, obtained)
18) pretty Omi (paid, obtained, holding)
19) raikipins (paid, obtained, shipped)
20) translation (paid, obtained, shipped)
21) msmayhem562 (IG) (paid, obtained, shipped)
22) ---------------
July 26

Finding Nemo 15th Anniversary: Angler Fish
Retail: 16.99
Edition Size: 2,000
1) Ajk (paid, obtained, shipped)
2) AlaskanMalamute (paid, obtained, shipped)
3) Dayna (paid, obtained, holding)
4) ---------------
5) ---------------
6) ---------------

Finding Nemo 15th Anniversary: Diving Mask
Retail: 16.99
Edition Size: 2,000
1) Ajk (paid, obtained, shipped)
2) AlaskanMalamute (paid, obtained, shipped)
3) Dayna (paid, obtained, holding)
4) bcol (paid, obtained, shipped)
5) Aaryana (paid, obtained, shipped)
6) ---------------

Finding Nemo 15th Anniversary: Marlin and Nemo
Retail: 16.99
Edition Size: 2,000
1) Ajk (paid, obtained, shipped)
2) AlaskanMalamute (paid, obtained, shipped)
3) *Firefly* (paid, obtained, shipped)
4) Dayna (paid, obtained, holding)
5) ---------------
6) ---------------

Finding Nemo 15th Anniversary: Aquarium Box Set (6 pins)
Retail: 125??? (based on Bambi Anniversary Box Set)
Edition Size: 500
1) PRCYR04 (paid, obtained)
2) Dayna (paid, obtained, holding)
3) ---------------
4) ---------------
5) ---------------
6) ---------------

Finding Nemo 15th Anniversary: Mr. Ray Jumbo
Retail: 54.99??? (based on Jungle Book Anniversary Jumbo)
Edition Size: 1,000
1) AlaskanMalamute (paid, obtained, shipped)
2) *Firefly* (paid, obtained, shipped)
3) PRCYR04 (paid, obtained)
4) Dayna (paid, obtained, holding)
5) ---------------
6) ---------------
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