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  1. R

    DCL Candlelight 2002?

    Not counting employee choir or Club 33 pins, I have the public Disneyland Candlelight pin from 2000 (the start of Disney pin trading) thru last year, with the exception of 2002. I can't even find it on Pin Pics or completed ebay auctions. Anyone's Tardis working that they can confirm Mickey...
  2. Traders for sale - Lowered prices

    Update: I've lowered prices, but kept the deal in place. If you buy multiple pins, you'll continue to save money on your order :) I'd like to get rid of some of my traders, so I have a bit of a crazy offer. I'll list prices below for each pin, but the more pins you buy, the more money I'll take...
  3. Prices lowered: WDI, DLR, WDFM, SF Disney Store and more!

    Update: A few more prices lowered, and more pins sold! I haven't been trading for awhile, so I finally decided to sell all my traders! A few more pins might be added to this post as I go through my collection of keepers as well. The majority of the pins were bought new by me and are still on...
  4. T

    DLR Diamond Decades - Mr. Toad's Wild Ride

    I went to DLR to go pick up the new Diamond Decades pin released today Mr. Toad's Wild Ride and I must have looked at maybe 50 pins at multiple stores before I found one I was happy with. Maybe I was just being too picky but it seems this batch of pins has a lot of problems: it was either the...
  5. July DLR Pickups - close to cost

    NOTE: Post has been updated since flyer(s) were released! All prices listed do NOT include tax and do NOT include shipping. Next to the retail price of the pin is a surcharge (if applicable) that will be added to the total of that pin AFTER tax. If you request more than 1 of a single pin...
  6. T

    Looking for 2014 & 2015 DLR PODH

    Hello, I posted here a couple of months back but didn't have any luck, so I thought I'd try again. I'm trying to trade some of my extra PODH pins (or possibly some others) in exchange for some of the ones I'm missing. Any help would be appreciated! Here's what I'm looking for: it's a small...
  7. Little Disney Park buttons

    I know this sounds silly but in addition with collecting pins I also collect little disney park buttons these are the ones that they have at the checkout in these little baskets/tubs. I have only seen them at Disneyland. Since I don't live near the park and they change them out all the time I...
  8. April DLR Release Runs

    Hey all, I'm posting April a bit early since Disney was nice enough to give advanced warning of the releases! Please note that there is a small chance I will not be available to do pickups this month - if that is the case, my girlfriend has agreed to do the pickups in place of me (yay!). If...
  9. Disneyland and Walt Disney World 2011 Hidden Mickey Series T-Shirt Collection!!

    I am looking for the following for the Hidden Mickey T-Shirt collection. Don't really have any trades at the moment looking to buy not trade.
  10. DLR Help! Disneyland 60th

    Does anyone have any advice on getting the next Disneyland 60th turquoise pin that comes out March 19 2015. Really don't want to pay ridiculous eBay prices and I have tried everything I can think of. Any advice is appreciated!!:cheshire:
  11. Disneyland 60th series

    Looking for anyone to pre buy the rest of the series from. Only need March 19, 2015 to July 16, 2015. Please PM if interested in selling me the rest of the set. :wavey:
  12. Nesting Dolls

    So my girlfriend and I are at DLR and she fell in love with the nesting doll pins, after buying three packs of 5 pins she ended up getting six of the sixteen and multiple doubles. So we are looking to trade the doubles for ones she does not have if anyone is interested. The pins she has extras...
  13. DLR This thread is for Duffy Hat Pin fans.

    Hi Everyone, We have a question regarding both the 2012 and 2013 DLR Lanyard Duffy Hat Pin Collections. We looked on Pinpics and it has pins 1 thru 5 for each year but only shows two chaser pins for each year. When we go on sites like Ebay it shows chasers for all of them. Is Pinpics right that...
  14. T

    DLR 2014 Hidden Mickey pins

    I am selling off all my 2014 Hidden Mickey pins. U.S. Shipping $2.00 for the first pin and $.50 for each additional pin. International shipping Please message me. I will be posting pictures later. I will answer in 24 hours.
  15. DLR Pin with Purchase

    As I have only visited DLP before I've never encountered this deal . Is it something that is always in place or does it only run for a few months at a time ? Is it at WDW / DLR or both ? Is there any limit to the number of pins you can get per purchase ? I'll be visiting WDW for the first...
  16. DLR Room key pins

    When I visited DLP I purchased an open edition pin representing the hotel I stayed at , are there similar pins available at WDW and DLR ? I've tried looking on PP but can only find LE pins , surely disney hasn't missed such an obvious sales opportunity .
  17. DLR Little buttons at the parks

    I've found a couple of cool buttons at the DLR parks. They are really small, about an inch in diameter. Last time I looked it seemed like most of them were new/different designs. Anyone else collect these? Does anyone know how often they change? Are these sold at the other parks and if so, are...
  18. Auction Ended: Disney Dreams Collection - Mickey Mouse with Balloons

    Hey all! :wavey: I haven't done an auction in a while, so let's give it a shot with this pin: Pin 61302: DLR - Disney Dreams Collection - Mickey Mouse with Balloons 5 trading, 114 wanting, LE of 1000 ~Bidding Tips~ My main focuses are Lilo and Stitch, Dumbo and the princesses, but there are...
  19. DLR No more pin trading tables at DLR

    My boyfriend (NBeyond) works graveyard shift at Disneyland and just informed me that "As of today...Monday...no more pin trading tables on dlr". I couldn't believe it. Pin trading is a fun, social activity that Disney pushes and promotes (plenty of pin stores, [what used to be] pin trading...
  20. Princess Jeweled Crest - Ariel, Jasmine, Tiana, Cinderella, Aurora

    I am able to get the following pins if anyone needs help in acquiring them: (Pics include pinpics link) Each pin is $15. Shipping and DC is $5 for the first pin and $.25 for each additional pin. International shipping is $12 and $.25 for each additional pin. Please...