#10 - Disney Castle Collection (Belle)

#10 - Disney Castle Collection (Belle)

Castle Pin



@mybabykelly @GroguFan @DisneyJ @momin.ator @brattyjedi and hope I’m not forgetting anyone else who expressed interest in pieces of the set and/or been keeping a watchful eye :D

ETA: Got our journals - 1 more yipeee!!! \o/

That's fun you are collecting the journals! I bet they are going to look super cool together! Are you planning on using them for a fun project? Do the insides have matching decorations, too? I've only ever seen front covers, and wondered! I bet the Frozen one is pretty! :)
That's fun you are collecting the journals! I bet they are going to look super cool together! Are you planning on using them for a fun project? Do the insides have matching decorations, too? I've only ever seen front covers, and wondered! I bet the Frozen one is pretty! :)
The blank (lined) journal pages are interleaved with "interior" scenes of the castle. Those pages also have a translucent overlay that adds detail to the base illustration. Many of them include characters. Here are a few from Frozen; sorry they aren't great but hopefully you get the idea!

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The blank (lined) journal pages are interleaved with "interior" scenes of the castle. Those pages also have a translucent overlay that adds detail to the base illustration. Many of them include characters. Here are a few from Frozen; sorry they aren't great but hopefully you get the idea!

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Oh, you are a gem! The art is AMAZING! I didn't know they were designed inside . . . I LOVE it! Boy . . . I don't think you should have shown me this . . .
@mybabykelly - You’re welcome- everyone gives me so much help in tagging so I was happy to try and help where I could :D

@GroguFan, Ooh, that’s going to be worth the wait to see I’m sure! I look forward to seeing your board with the finale of this collection ^.^

@stratasfan, they are beautiful together! I’ll see if I can share an updated pic of them soon waiting for their last one. My sister and I write together purely as a hobby and we have an ongoing series that we take our characters thru a span of years. So the castle collection is a fun way to get inspired to organize what we write down and to visually organize the ‘seasons’ in our head. XD

And even tho we haven’t had time to write as much in them as we want to yet, I must emphasize they are beauties to display! Really great quality! <3 And Merida *does* remind me of middle earth feel. I can’t wait to see it in person

@brattyjedi , yay!! I really hope they release Belle soon!

@Addicted to Alice Pins , I meant to ask, were you able to get your journal in New York release? If not, I hope you were able to get one now! <3
@Addicted to Alice Pins , I meant to ask, were you able to get your journal in New York release? If not, I hope you were able to get one now! <3

Haha, I did not, because we haven't gone into the city much. Just to the Bronx (this week for the NYBG Holiday Train Show), and as I said elsewhere, Times Square would be a really annoying detour to make. :D I was about an inch away from modestly overpaying for one on eBay just because my chill was expiring, but literally the day I was about to hit Add to Cart, ShopDisney put a date on the Merida release. So I ordered at 3 am today like everyone else, hahaha. I knew the journal wouldn't sell out but didn't feel like taking a chance with stock levels. I figure Belle is gonna be popular so I'd better flex my release day muscles to get in shape for that release!
Haha, I did not, because we haven't gone into the city much. Just to the Bronx (this week for the NYBG Holiday Train Show), and as I said elsewhere, Times Square would be a really annoying detour to make. :D I was about an inch away from modestly overpaying for one on eBay just because my chill was expiring, but literally the day I was about to hit Add to Cart, ShopDisney put a date on the Merida release. So I ordered at 3 am today like everyone else, hahaha. I knew the journal wouldn't sell out but didn't feel like taking a chance with stock levels. I figure Belle is gonna be popular so I'd better flex my release day muscles to get in shape for that release!

Oh man, I dont know the area well but I can relate to annoying detours not being worth it. Your boyfriend is off the hook :P

Me too! I kept looking on eBay and trying to rationalize but that I was looking for two saved me from ever seriously considering it. I stayed up also knowing I’d possibly be safe, but the eBay prices scared me that sellers would tune in and try to heighten the demand. so glad you got one too! <3

Looking forward to Belle, but bracing myself as well. Home stretch! ^.^
My Brave castle pin arrived at my house today. Here it is when I first took it out of the package:


and after I gave it to my engineer husband for 5 minutes (who told me I looked “very sad” when I first showed it to him):

My Brave castle pin arrived at my house today. Here it is when I first took it out of the package:


and after I gave it to my engineer husband for 5 minutes (who told me I looked “very sad” when I first showed it to him):


Wow! How disappointing to get it like that but so awesome your husband was able to fix it! It looks great now!

Moved by your pin sadness- that’s a good husband! :D Disney should higher him for quality control!
Wow! How disappointing to get it like that but so awesome your husband was able to fix it! It looks great now!

Moved by your pin sadness- that’s a good husband! :D Disney should higher him for quality control!
Ugh sadly this has plagued the entire series so far. I’ve been lucky enough that I’ve only gotten one really bad one that I returned, but a few were slightly off. I’ve seen worse and that’s just embarrassing. For the Belle I’ll likely order two just in case one comes off centered.
Ugh sadly this has plagued the entire series so far. I’ve been lucky enough that I’ve only gotten one really bad one that I returned, but a few were slightly off. I’ve seen worse and that’s just embarrassing. For the Belle I’ll likely order two just in case one comes off centered.
I’ve had a couple slightly off before that I was willing to push back into place on my own. This one was so far off I was afraid I’d break the hinge if I tried anything. I trusted he would know how to do it the right way to get it adjusted without breaking and he did. :)
Still no release date on these… but I found a pic online just to tease! Wonder if they’ll include the 30th sticker on the US release since it’s passed already.


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I can’t wait!! I wonder that about the sticker too. I With the anniversary year, I wonder if this was suppose to be like a finale of sorts but production delays prevented it?
I can’t wait!! I wonder that about the sticker too. I With the anniversary year, I wonder if this was suppose to be like a finale of sorts but production delays prevented it?
Woulda been awesome to get it on time. I agree, they probably had it planned for November/December but it got pushed back. Can’t wait for it!
This is good news! Yay! Crossing fingers that "soon" really means what it says!!

I wouldn't put $$$ on how "soon" it will be, but ShopDisney seems to have learned the lesson not to post unless the merch is in range (if not at the warehouse then actually and truly in transit to the warehouse), or (in the case of the Tiana LE doll) to indicate "preorder" from the get-go. It only took 2+ years of supply, shipping, and staffing issues for them to learn how to manage customer expectations. :D So I think anytime from this Monday to the end of month must be likely, haha.