I was lucky and found Sarah's co-op post on Facebook in time, so I'll be getting Zootopia for my Judy collection. I just need to track down another Zootopia one for my friend's Nick collection.
They also have can badge (button) mystery boxes, one button for each pin. Some of them are the same artwork as the pin (Lady and the Tramp), and some are the same movie but different art. From what I could make out on the Zootopia button, I believe it's just Nick, so at least I only have to track down one of those.
Wow, that WDI pin IS gorgeous! I hope they'll come out with more anniversary pins later this year - it's the 5th Anniversary for Wreck-It Ralph and I'm hoping that a) they'll have a pin for it, and b) that Felix and/or Calhoun will be on it.