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2017 PTD Discussion Thread - UPDATED 11/28/17

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And for those keeping track, all three of those were on the preview board at LIAA. So we're down to:

Evil Queen
Winnie the Pooh
The problem with a lot of good flips close together, is that people don't have enough $$ to buy them all. The problem with a lot of good flips when people are already cash poor because of Christmas shopping is that people REALLY don't have enough $$ to buy them all. So here's hoping that you guys can find better bargains for these flips in January when people's CC bills come due. And that Santa was good to you and you have the cash somehow.
The problem with a lot of good flips close together, is that people don't have enough $$ to buy them all. The problem with a lot of good flips when people are already cash poor because of Christmas shopping is that people REALLY don't have enough $$ to buy them all. So here's hoping that you guys can find better bargains for these flips in January when people's CC bills come due. And that Santa was good to you and you have the cash somehow.

Hope talks sense.

However, you could also take the mercenary route, which is: Tell everyone in the fam that you're all getting too old for gifts (blah blah blah) so you aren't giving any this year, and then just spend the $$$$ on overpriced PTDs for your own collection. :p
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