2018 Pin Releases

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Crud, I chose the wrong time to consider starting a Tarzan collection. I may have to narrowly define it to only include adult Tarzan by himself to remove the cluster, mother's day pin, and heroine from the list.
Crud, I chose the wrong time to consider starting a Tarzan collection. I may have to narrowly define it to only include adult Tarzan by himself to remove the cluster, mother's day pin, and heroine from the list.
But that mother's day pin is adorable!!

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This makes me wonder what MOG pop up shop will have now. A lot of people thought these clusters would be for it but guess not.
We've still got at least one wave of those, though! New Groove, Atlantis, PatF, Ralph, Tangled, Frozen, Moana, BH6, Zootopia...

This was a fairly small wave, so I'd say it's safe to say they'll wrap it up at the Orlando MOG.

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These clusters look nice, but why did they make Mushu larger than Mulan? And Crickee is almost as big as Little Brother!

And eesh, I know I'll need the Ralph and two Zootopia ones, at least.
Here's a pic of the actual pins (credit: disneypicturesandpins on IG):

Those cluster pins, faces seem really off on a lot of them, weird expressions and body proportions and Esmeralda's dress is wrong. I thought Ariel, Pocahontas and Bianca looked weird on the last ones. Did they have a different artist do these or are they just getting progressively worse or what?
I wonder which Kuzco they'll use.

I *think* I'll only need BH6. But my husband keeps nudging me to start a Ralph collection.

I'd guess llama Kuzco. Is this the pin when we finally get Chicha? No villains in these, so Yzma is out. Kronk is (was? does it matter?) a villain sidekick but they can't have a cluster pin without him. Kuzco and Pacha are definites, so there is some space left for Chicha, maybe Bucky, and what I wouldn't give for Rudy and/or theme song guy (Tom Jones). These clusters have been all about playing it safe so maybe it'll just be llama Kuzco, Pacha, Kronk, and empty space.
I'd guess llama Kuzco. Is this the pin when we finally get Chicha? No villains in these, so Yzma is out. Kronk is (was? does it matter?) a villain sidekick but they can't have a cluster pin without him. Kuzco and Pacha are definites, so there is some space left for Chicha, maybe Bucky, and what I wouldn't give for Rudy and/or theme song guy (Tom Jones). These clusters have been all about playing it safe so maybe it'll just be llama Kuzco, Pacha, Kronk, and empty space.

Yeah, I had the same thought. This pin would be a perfect time to finally throw Chicha a bone, but I bet it won't happen.
I can't believe no one tagged me to give a heads up about new Esmeralda and Meg pins!!!


Ugh, I guess I actually have to do my own homework?? THANKS GUYS.

Anyway... both pins are pretty underwhelming, tbh. /: Especially the Hunchback one. WDI really dropped the ball with the Esmeralda Heroine, and I feel like they did it yet again here. Her features are off, her skin color is still too light, and now her eye color is wrong, too (they're GREEN! Invest in a damn Pantone color guide, WDI!) And her top is a disaster of epic proportions. It seriously took me forever to register what was going on with the line work there - I had to find a close-up pic on eBay to figure it out. At first glance, it looked like she either had a tiny pair of vertical boobs under her left armpit, or one giant, lumpy uniboob. Oh, and she only has ONE hoop earring in the film (Djali wears the other one.) The laziness is ridiculous.


The Hercules one is definitely better, and at least Meg isn't completely weird-looking, although certain areas are kinda sloppy (like her eyebrows, and the oddly huge sash around her hips.) But the pin is still pretty boring and generic overall. It looks so much like all 3 of the 20th anniversary pins that came out last year. They really phoned it in with both designs, imo. But hey, at least I don't have to be bummed over not being able to get them anytime soon! I can definitely wait for the prices to drop.
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