2018 PTD Discussion Thread - UPDATED 12/18/2018
Nothing I collect... Whew!FLIP!
Finally Go Go!
How many Ellie PTDs is that now? Three? Four?
I'd better get going for Go Go, I bet she'll go fast. So let's go go go!
Three (four) - young old and middle, plus the Ellie and Carl
I don't sell!I don't have anything you collect for trade, but if you get an Ellie, I'll buy!
I don't sell!
At least Ellie is 500, should be attainable for the Up collectors eventually.
Yeah, I think Go Go is gonna go. Unfortunately since it's the one that I would love to get.I'd better get going for Go Go, I bet she'll go fast. So let's go go go!
FOUR different versions of Ellie now and I *still* can't get my freakin' red dress Esmeralda PTD?!?
No Ping either.
I see we're still on bird jokes. Not that I'm grousing.
When I get to LA I will hold a protest at DSF to demand our pins (and more PTD creativity in general!)
Okay that gif took me a minute... but I think I finally got it...FOUR different versions of Ellie now and I *still* can't get my freakin' red dress Esmeralda PTD?!?
Did you really expect me to be a beak-on of sanity?
Okay that gif took me a minute... but I think I finally got it...
Yes, cannot miss your posts about the lack of pins for your collections... but... I truly think you are smart in your DPT characters collection choices (… and this is from someone who opted for Mickey Mouse and Star Wars... and thus... I am never under budget for this hobby. You will not see me post to ask Disney for more pins for my collections.) HahahaxD I guess you must not have seen my 2593 previous comments making this same complaint, lol.