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2023 Pin Discussion & Pin Releases 💬

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Do the DMC pins ever end up on the Rewards site?
Nope. To qualify for the DMC pins you have to sign up for the service and then purchase three or five DVDs at full price (it's been years so I forget which) to unlock VIP status/the ability to buy pins. Then to get the pins you either have to buy them (current price around $8 each) or get one free with a full price DVD purchase; either way you pay for them. So I don't see them putting them up on DMI for rewards points to essentially get them for free.
They’re still up and available.
Lol tempting but there aren’t many DSSH releases that I’ve missed out on it in the last few years. I hope people end up with some Cursive Cuties, Cuties and Dark Tales though to make up the cost. I hope no one gets stuck with Artemis Fowl or Eternals though. I can see these mystery bags going really good for some and really bad for others
I queued up twice. Started at 1400+ and made it through but decided to pass. Went back after seeing you post and sat at 200, made it through and passed up again after reading comments on Instagram and Facebook how they weren’t worth it last time. I need to use my funds on pins I want or can easily trade, not take a chance at the unknown.
I took a gamble and bought one bag. I hope i luck out with something special (knock wood). I am thinking that in a worst case, i might be able to sell them and get my money back. If an absolutely worst case, I'll have a lesson that I may or may not remember.
Fingers crossed for a good outcome!
Reactions: Ajk
If you end up with a cursive cutie you should be good, and it technically says “at least 5 pins” so maybe more?
If you end up with a cursive cutie you should be good, and it technically says “at least 5 pins” so maybe more?
I found the "at least" interesting. If they put different numbers in different bags, I wonder how they decide how many each get. Or maybe everyone gets six so everyone feels they made out?
Hmm, could they include PTD's?? That would be cool
I could definitely see that possibility. Whatever they are, I just hope they are the AP versions of hot items that sold out and not just things that nobody wanted that they are getting rid of. We'll see soon enough.
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