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ZAPPED! A Villain ... he is not

ZAPPED! A Villain ... he is not


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Pensacola, FL
This may go towards ruining his image as the Grand Poobah of DOOM<diablolical order of Mayhem> :anxious:, but I have to share Lucan's zap to my son (AKA the evil padawan)!

Not one zap, but THREE!!! The two on the left and the Vader profile on the right below Stitch!


Of course, this all could be part of a master plot to lure young padawans to the dark side. Oh yeah, he is responsible for the Anakin Lightsaber that snuck into the top left of the picture too!!! What a swell guy

Seriously .. big thanks!! Anytime you want to take the kid for a week or three, let me know. Do they serve cookies at DOOM??
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Oh I am sure knowing the evil one for many many years (even before pin trading) there is some diabolical in-depth plan afoot..

Muha ha ha a ha ahem....

(Still a nice Zap)