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ZAPPED! A zap from eBay!

ZAPPED! A zap from eBay!

Happy Haunt

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I bought a pin from France on eBay and they zapped me with this cute pin too! 

Thank you! Obviously on DPF I'm not allowed to list peoples eBay usernames etc. but I just wanted to say thanks. I'm not sure if they're on DPF.

The pin I bought is this one; [pinpics]91493[/pinpics]

But I have to wait for my birthday on the 23rd to put it in my pin bag as its meant to be a birthday present. Managed to get a pic of it though!
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Oh I love that cast pin! You know I don't collect HM/PM hardly at all, just a few on my wants list, but that Manor pin is great. Congrats girl!