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All Prizes LE! PODMs, DSF, PTD, Tangled, WDI. Picking Order Posted!!

Alright, I believe the first post should be up-to-date now! I'm just waiting on two more payments (if anyone thinks this is incorrect, please let me know - I have so many Paypal transactions in my history now, it's hard to keep track of them all! :facepalm: ) SO CLOSE!
Alright since Maleficent913 is guaranteeing the spot, I will be starting the game tomorrow around noon or 1ish (if this changes, I will post here with a definite time) since it's my day off and I'll be able to be by a computer for a while to make things run a little smoother! I leave for vacation January 6th so my goal is to obviously get all the prizes sent out before then. If everyone could keep a close eye on the thread during these next two days, that would be great! Thank you so much everyone!!
You might want to ask people to send you a list of their top wants for your game once you have your order done. It runs a lot faster that way... Just a suggestion.
Darn it, so my boyfriend (who's laptop I'm going to use for the randomizer) is stuck at work for a bit and won't be back until 5 or so If everyone can, send me a list of your wants like Rocke01 suggested so that picking will go a little faster!
Excited!!! But I don't get the list thing

It means a list of what pins you'd like to win in order. Since there are so many spots in this game though you should probably give at least 5 choices, or more depending how many spots you have. This was even if someone's taken the first 3 of your wants, you still have other options. That way she's not waiting for each individual person to have to log in, in order, pick their pins, for 45 spots to get the whole list down, because that could take days.
Getting together my list of top 5 now.

EDIT: tried to PM but your box is full
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Putting the list in the randomizer right now!!! :anxious: I am very technologically challenged so I will record the process of me putting it into the randomizer and if anyone would like to see it for proof, I will be more than happy to email it to you! Stay tuned!!