ZAPPED! August RAK attack nominations last few days!!!
Hi Everybody,
So I was really late in sending July's RAK package, but it is in today's mail.
I missed getting August done so the person that was supposed to be August's victim will be moved to September and I will try very hard to not miss a month again. Plus I have had a couple people volunteer to do it is I need a month off. So we should be covered. I will send out the information on the victim the last weekend this month.
See above
Thank you for joining in!!! You have been added
Thank you also and you have been added!!!
So I was really late in sending July's RAK package, but it is in today's mail.
I missed getting August done so the person that was supposed to be August's victim will be moved to September and I will try very hard to not miss a month again. Plus I have had a couple people volunteer to do it is I need a month off. So we should be covered. I will send out the information on the victim the last weekend this month.
Is August cancelled?
See above
I don't know if this is too late, but I would like to be added to "as possible"!
Thank you for joining in!!! You have been added
Please can I also be added as 'possible.' Thank you!
Thank you also and you have been added!!!