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ZAPPED! Awesome Princess Birthday Zap from Judy

ZAPPED! Awesome Princess Birthday Zap from Judy


Active DPF Member
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My daughter turned 7 this past Friday. Look what Aunty Judy sent to her :


Best part was when she asked: "Can you help me to cut these open mommy??" Each of these items :) were indvidually packaged in accordance with Judy's nuclear blast proof methods.

Judy ... thank you so very much for thinking of her. You made her very happy :)
Hi Selen!
I am sooo glad....I love the Sponge Bob note Pad....and remember LI selling those Placemats?I was going to zap you with it and then you mentioned your daughters b-day..so I thought"Why not send it to her with alittle bit of somethingelse with it"I had a hard time trying to find a LBE big enough for the placemat too,lucky I had saved a couple of them from buying pinlots off Brea to put that in..Heheehe!
So glad she liked everything and she had a great day
