Beloved Tales for trade??
Hi DPFers! So I'm struggling with the decision to part with some of beloved tales right now. My collection is complete but since I wear my pins, so many are just sitting in a drawer still wrapped
Given the recent beloved tales craze, I though maybe someone might need them to finish their sets.
I thought I'd make a thread to see if I could possibly use any of them to find some of my other harder wants. I'm only looking to trade for pins listed below, so if you have an offer, feel free to PM me
These are the beloved tales I'm considering parting with:
and maaayyybbeeee
I will also hopefully have a set of the new ones for trade:
Here are pins I would consider trading for: Some I would trade multiple beloved tales for, some I would trade straight across, some I might do 2:1. All depends on which one.