Best Friends set! Co-Op if needed! Help make my xmas awesome!
My wife has been through a lot this year both emotionally ( having endometriosis while trying to start a family) and physically ( surgeries). I wanted to spend a little bit more than usual for Christmas this year.
Normally we keep it very low ( under 100 dollars) but she has been gazing upon these new ipad minis with wonderment. I want to make this happen.
I have made some sales and have made $150 out of my $330 goal. Now I would like to be able to sell all these best friends pins.
So I want to just get what I need to get her ipad. So let me break it down quickly.
I have 150 from pin sales but 50 was spent on other presents ( I do a giving tree each year with my non profit and other organizations)
So I have 100 dollars.
I am selling my guitar on Sunday for 175 ( do not worry. I do not play it/ I am horrible at it)
That gives me 275.
That means I only need about 50 more dollars to buy the ipad mini!!!!
Don't forget about taxes in there too so I will be hoping to get $75 dollars or more for my best friends set.
So I have the set of these best friend pins...I would love to sell them for $60 with them shipped.
I still have many other pins available too! Thanks guys and gals! You have always been wonderful to me and I thank you for that. Even if nothing comes of this thread. Thank you.
Normally we keep it very low ( under 100 dollars) but she has been gazing upon these new ipad minis with wonderment. I want to make this happen.
I have made some sales and have made $150 out of my $330 goal. Now I would like to be able to sell all these best friends pins.
So I want to just get what I need to get her ipad. So let me break it down quickly.
I have 150 from pin sales but 50 was spent on other presents ( I do a giving tree each year with my non profit and other organizations)
So I have 100 dollars.
I am selling my guitar on Sunday for 175 ( do not worry. I do not play it/ I am horrible at it)
That gives me 275.
That means I only need about 50 more dollars to buy the ipad mini!!!!
Don't forget about taxes in there too so I will be hoping to get $75 dollars or more for my best friends set.
So I have the set of these best friend pins...I would love to sell them for $60 with them shipped.
I still have many other pins available too! Thanks guys and gals! You have always been wonderful to me and I thank you for that. Even if nothing comes of this thread. Thank you.

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