Finally have some free time to update this!
Lists updated to here.
Rolling for the Attina I picked up the other day:
1. Disneychildwithin
2. Snoffsan
3. disneykins
Congrats, Snoffsan!
And I am ready to put up the leftovers from before my hiatus! In case you missed my other thread, I found a bunch of pins that didn't have homes. Since the interest was much higher than I expected, I'm going to be running drawings for them. Here are the pins that are available:
Patriotic Tiana, Patriotic Jessica, Cutie Tremaine, Cutie Hook, Cars 3 Now Playing, Gideon PTD, Andrina PTD, Roger PTD, Eilonwy PTD, Taran PTD, Phoebus PTD
I will allow each person to win one each of the following categories: one PTD, one Release pin, and one Now Playing pin (well, the only Now Playing pin...but since I don't think there is as much interest in that one I'm allowing it to be its own category).
Signups are open now and will remain open until Wednesday the 18th at 11:59 pm PST. I will do the drawings on Thursday or Friday.
As these are leftovers, I will give a bit of a discount on them, and no fees will apply besides shipping and paypal (as I can't get around them being charged now). Prices will be as follows:
All PTDs - $15 each (normally $15.45 plus tax)
Releases - $16 each (normally $16.95 plus tax)
Now Playing pin - $13 (was $13.95 plus tax)
Rather than individual lists for every pin, I will make running lists of each of the three types of pins - PTD, Release, and Now Playing. If you want at least one of the PTDs, enter the PTD drawing; if you want at least one patriotic or cutie pin, enter the Release drawing; and if you want the Cars 3 pin, enter the Now Playing drawing. You can enter for all of them if you want. Once the deadline hits and I roll for the winners, I will roll one big list for each of the types. In roll order, each winner may choose any pin from the available pool.
If the pins you want are all taken by the time it gets to you, you may pass. You're not obligated to purchase.
If I get through an entire list and there are still pins available, I will run through the lists again and at that time will allow each person to win a second pin.
If there are still pins left over after a second pass through, I guess I have some extra traders!