Disney Animator Dolls?
Haha. Sorry, I misspelled it. It should be Marian. Marion is also a name, though.Is it Marion? In Spanish is Marian, Lady Marian.
I am excited for Giants. Wish more info would come out about it. I told my mom, and she was like, "Another one." I guess there have been lots of Jack movies (both live-action and animated) over the years.
The weird thing is the box on her says Ariel with Flounder on the tag. I shifted the box around to see if maybe Flounder had come loose but didnt see anything.
Luckily the seller finally responded to my emails and is sending a new Ariel with Flounder (1st edition). The annoying part is I now have to pay/take the time to send back the one I received first. Oh well, at least Ill get the doll Although originally it was a good price, but now adding in the shipping Ill have to pay it comes out to not a great deal.
Why is doll collecting so hard?? LOL
Too bad you two couldn't have agreed to her sending you Flounder. She will still end up with 1st gen with no Flounder either way. She could have taken him out, put in envelope mailer (way cheaper to ship, and she should have covered the cost because she screwed up), and then you could just attach him to Ariel.
Maybe she already did that, and you ended up with a doll whose Flounder was sent to another customer?
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