There was a small Terance doll made by the Disney Store when the second movie came out. I had him, but sold him a while ago. He was really detailed, with removable cuffs, a molded cap, and his little nut satchel. If you love the character I defiantly recommend trying to grab him off eBay. Looks like there are a few sets of him single and also packaged with Tink on there for about $45.
I LOVE the Disney fairies line, books and films. I have eBay searches set to keep track of when the book fairies come up so I can get them for a good price. So far I have Rani and Prilla (the two most difficult to find, but Rani's box is a little crushed), and I am currently looking for a Fira.
I started collecting Tink stuff with the first film, but decided to sell my Disney collection and focus on other things. It was a huge mistake, because the only collection I want to consistently collect is Disney :facepalm: They also made some really, really nice 11 1/2 dolls for the first film I am trying to get on the SH market.
Vidia is one of my favorites, but even though there have been a few versions of her I have not found one that really looks like the character to me yet. The Jakks Pacific ones come the closest for her, and are actually very good quality for a non-Disney-direct doll. But they have a lot of variants so I try to stick to getting the characters that Disney doesn't make from them - like Glimmer, Spike, and Chloe.
I am so excited for the Pirate Fairy film, it should be out around my birthday! I hope Disney does a lot of dolls of Zarina and the gang in their switched talents!
Wow, guess I have a lot to say about Disney Fairies
Sorry ya'll....